Slyvia Browne

by Blueblades 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • jayhawk1


    Well she was right about Brad Pitt leaving Jennifer Anniston. But anybody can make a guess about Hollywood breakups and be right half the time or better. Here's one for you, whomever Britney Spears ties the knot with next she will divorce before their 5th anniversary.

    Write that one down!

  • Mulan

    jayhawk..............I believe you are psychic

  • wednesday


    Psychic gifts are many and varied. Predicting global events is not what most psychics or readers do. They generally work with individuals (and of course some do work with the police) Also, while I'm sure the super bowl is very important, I would not hold it against a psychic if she did not know who was going ot win :).

    I find her interesting, but when she obivioulsy does not know something, she should say" I don't know" I'm afraid she has been reading her on publicity material and it seems to have gone to her head.

    I have been to readers who did know things about me, and some who knew nothiing and told me so.. An honest reader will tell you if they cannot "read' for you.

    I am not a fan or follower of anyone. I do read spiritual type material, and have briefly read some of her site. I don't mesh with her personality.


  • Mary
    Terry said: There is absolutely no data to represent a factual basis for psychic abilities. It has been tested repeatedly from noon to Thursday for many decades and nothing but "chance" results have emerged from the data. Private research has proved worthless. It is only the people who earn their living promoting this nonsense who have anything to gain by pretending it is a fact. There are no facts which support the assumption or belief that anybody has psychic power.

    I'm not so sure of that. While I believe that Sylvia Browne is full of shit and nothing more than a con artist, I do believe psychic ability does exist. I watched a program a few months ago on A&E called Psychic Children: Their Sixth Sense. I believe the twin girls got an 80% hit, which is well above the 25% chance that is generally the guideline. These twins have definitely gotten some big misses, but they have gotten some significant 'hits' it seems which I think, deserves further investigation.

    I've had dreams that have come true, which is pretty freaky and I have no explanation for it. I had a dream that my father phoned me one day to tell me my brother had been killed in a car accident. Sure enough, one day when I picked up the phone, it was my father who said he had "some very bad news". I knew what he was going to say next and I knew which of my siblings it was going to be. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. I've had other weird stuff like that happen which I can't explain. But I don't dwell on it either.

    For the most part, I think people like Sylvia Browne, John Edwards, Jeanne Dixon are all just there to tell people what they want to hear. Their predictions are so vague and they've been wrong so many times that to me, they simply have no credibility. My favorite question is: Why did none of Princess Diana's psychics forsee the tradegy and her death on August 31, 1997? Surely if any of them were genuine, one of them would have forseen an event that nearly brought the world to a halt.

  • Satanus


    Why did none of Princess Diana's psychics forsee the tradegy and her death on August 31, 1997? Surely if any of them were genuine, one of them would have forseen an event that nearly brought the world to a halt.

    If they were like the psychic that i saw, they did not want to see negative stuff. Chicken$#its.


  • Mary
    If they were like the psychic that i saw, they did not want to see negative stuff. Chicken$#its.

    LOL! I just want a psychic who can tell me what the winning numbers for tomorrow night's lottery is gonna be.

  • coffee_black

    My best friend is into this stuff. I love her to death, but she talks about it all the time...and it gets old pretty fast. She goes to readings a lot, and loves it. They talk in such generalities...and then she looks around to try to make it fit. For example, a recent one told her that there's a couple she is close to that has a fiery relationship that isn't healthy. who doesn't know such a couple? She then tries to figure out who it could be... My questions to her were...even if you know who it is, why is it important for you to know this? What are you supposed to do about does it effect your life? So what was the purpose of this reading? She also believes in signs...for example, a tampon fell from a cabinet in the morning...and someone dropped a receipt for tampons later that day. She took that to mean that she'll be gettin her period soon. I that's called gravity... by that reasoning if I can't find my hairbrush...does that mean I'll be losing my hair?! If that's the case, I should be bald by now! There are no accidents according to if a picture falls from the wall...could mean disaster for the person in the picture... Sorry I just don't want to live like that...

    She talks about astrology all the time and believes it's a science....There's hardly a conversation that she doesn't try to insert astrology into... reminds me of an new jw who has to witness all the time....

    She thinks she's psychic... what I can't figure out is that if she really is, why hasn't she figured out that I her best friend is not interested in this stuff?


  • hillary_step
    What do you know about her and books?

    I do not know Sylvia Browne, but I am sure that I trod in some on the way to the Klingon Convention once.


  • Snoozy

    I quit watching Montel BECAUSE of her!

    I couldn't stand the way she mislead so many and he encourages it!

    I've read too much about cold readings to take her seriously. I think Montel has his hand in her pot!!!

    Snoozy..who knows anyone with the right training could pull the same thing off.

  • Mulan

    Skeptics please answer this for me: Last summer I went to a Tarot Card reader, who was doing readings at a booth in a restaurant. She had never seen me before. She laid out the cards and told me that my husband and I run our own business, with some of our children, and also said I have 4 children. She said we support several families (this is true and the business does support 4 families total, including one employee) and that the business is successful, but will be more successful next year. She said lots of other things, but that one really got me.

    How could she know that?

    She also said she saw an old man, and that I had unfinished business concering him, and that he might be someone who is dead. father died in January last year, and we still have not buried his ashes at the military cemetery where he has a plot. I just keep delaying. It had been weighing on me that day, and I had talked about it with my friends.

    I'm not saying I'm a total believer in this stuff, but I'm open to the possibilities, especially after this experience.

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