Wanderlust, I don't know what made the scales fall off your eyes, but I'm so glad to hear what you have had to say here. If more men would stand up and say things like this, positive influence might actually catch on. Nothing wrong with pretty girls or enjoying their beauty. Objectifying people isn't cool, no matter how one tries to excuse doing it. You're right, people will make all kinds of excuses. But you gotta love the bumblers.
Whats wrong with Hooters?
by pobthespazz 116 Replies latest jw friends
The only thing I thought was wrong, was the high prices. When I was in Mexico, they had a hooters and all the woman had small breast. Guess Mexico is not as endowed as other countries.
Wanderlust, I don't know what made the scales fall off your eyes, but I'm so glad to hear what you have had to say here. If more men would stand up and say things like this, positive influence might actually catch on. Nothing wrong with pretty girls or enjoying their beauty. Objectifying people isn't cool, no matter how one tries to excuse doing it. You're right, people will make all kinds of excuses. But you gotta love the bumblers.
Yep good job wanderlust. Hopefully the rest of us will follow suit and pretend we don't find pretty women pretty. I also find intelligent women intelligent, but I bet that won't get as many complaints.
Yep good job wanderlust. Hopefully the rest of us will follow suit and pretend we don't find pretty women pretty. I also find intelligent women intelligent, but I bet that won't get as many complaints.
Now, Abandoned, you know Wander wasn't saying you can't notice pretty women. Go back and read his posts. He is talking about dressing women up in skimpy clothing and parading them around, hoping they will titelate people, mostly men and they will spend lots of money at the restaurant and keep coming back. The ladies are the bate to draw you in. This is what he's speaking of. He's not saying he doesn't notice or appreciate beauty in women.
When I was in Mexico, they had a hooters and all the woman had small breast. Guess Mexico is not as endowed as other countries.
Try telling Salma Hyek that.
Now, Abandoned, you know Wander wasn't saying you can't notice pretty women. Go back and read his posts. He is talking about dressing women up in skimpy clothing and parading them around, hoping they will titelate people, mostly men and they will spend lots of money at the restaurant and keep coming back. The ladies are the bate to draw you in. This is what he's speaking of. He's not saying he doesn't notice or appreciate beauty in women.
Actually, I was referring more to your comment to wanderlust rather than what he wrote. That's why I quoted you. To suggest that there is a dysfunctional group of men who enjoy the physical curves and lines of a woman who need to get a clue and lose the scales from their eyes is pure and utter nonsense. There is nothing to fix. Guys who rape need to be fixed. Guys who act all self-rigtheous and holy in front of their friends and then beat their wives or children need to be fixed. Guys who recognize that women have curves and that seeing them is a life-affirming, adrenaline-surging experience, don't need help or to lose scales.
To suggest that there is a dysfunctional group of men who enjoy the physical curves and lines of a woman who need to get a clue and lose the scales from their eyes is pure and utter nonsense.
You don't have a clue what I have meant in my post to Wander. The scales falling from his eyes had nothing to do with enjoying the beauty of women. The scales falling from his eyes had to do with his realization about how men excuse objectification of women. Appreciating beauty is not equal to objectification of people. Do you understand the difference? Dysfunctional is your term, not mine. Please do a little research into the difference between appreciation and objectification. Then you might understand. And read his posts again with an open mind while you're at it. Trust me, women will like you better when you understand the difference and it affects the way you treat them.
You don't have a clue what I have meant in my post to Wander. The scales falling from his eyes had nothing to do with enjoying the beauty of women. The scales falling from his eyes had to do with his realization about how men excuse objectification of women.
I get that. I was exagerating to make a point. Apparently I did a horrible job at that. But basically, I don't feel that my viewpoint objectifies women, thus I don't have any need to lose any scales. Your congratulations to wanderlust were, in my opinion, an insult to those who aren't afraid to admit that they find women attractive for all aspects. This includes their bodies. That also means that I can be in a mindset to care more about their bodies than their minds. This isn't a permanent decision, but one I'm allowed to make without having scales on my eyes.
I fully get that women are more than just their body parts. That doesn't mean that I need to concentrate on their minds 24/7 to prove I'm not a male-chauvenist pig or some kind of lech. It's irresponsible to suggest that a man noticing a pair of boobs is objectifying women. If that's all he notices and all he cares about and all he ever notices or cares about, yeah, I agree. It's just a huge stretch suggest that someone who likes looking at a woman's body must also ONLY like that about her and thus be turning her into an object. Plus, if you only liked someone for their mind, you'd be doing the same thing.
It's irresponsible to suggest that a man noticing a pair of boobs is objectifying women.
Noticing boobs is not objectification, Abandoned. Nobody here has said so. If you are insulted, then you clearly don't understand what I said. Why are you so defensive, anyway?
I'm sure not every person who patronizes Hooters is guilty of objectification of women. It's the company that objectifies them and some of the patrons. The thing is, some men and some women don't understand what objectification of another person means. They wouldn't have a clue if they were guilty of it. Wander is telling us he realized he was guilty of it. I am certain we are all guilty of it at times. Where the scales fall off his eyes is in his realization of his own distorted view of women and correcting it. I hope all people can have a similar eye opener when it comes to other people.
I suppose you could ask yourself: when you see women, do you see people or do you see walking talking love dolls? Do you run to open the door for an older, plumper, less attractive woman the way you do a younger, prettier one? Is your concern for the less attractive as great as it for the very attractive? When we women see men, do we see people? Or do we see handsome or not so handsome bank accounts? Do we look at their cars and decide whether or not they are losers?
Here's an explanation of what sexual objectification is. It also mentions women and how they can practice it, too.