I have heard of reports of certain individuals raising issues about the upcoming interview on the Meria Heller Show. I thought I would offer a few comments to explain the basis for doing so.
I was contacted by Meria Heller about a month ago and had a nice conversation with her over the telephone. She mentioned she has a internet broadcast to around 20,000 listeners around the world. We talked at length about the silentlambs issue and she came across as a very balanced and knowledgable person who wanted to help children. Maria is not df or da she is just an inactive witness. She walked away a few years ago and from our conversation I feel she has no vendetta against the WT organization. I do believe with her background in being a witness at one time she was quickly able to grasp the basis of the problem with child molestation in the organization, that I described.
I have informed the society and anyone else who may have a question, by any means necessary I will make this issue known until the Watchtower organization changes their policy in the interests of protecting children. I will talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime, who wants to help stop children from being molested.
I do not know Meria's background, habits, political leanings, or where she goes to the bathroom, nor do I know that of Dan Rather, David Letterman, Ted Kopel or anyone else who is in the media.
If they want to help stop children from being molested, lets dance...
The show will be aired at 1 PM eastern time zone, Sunday September 30. You can listen at www.meria.net I welcome one and all to tune in. The interview will feature victims of WT policy who will be on the air with me. The Watchtower Society has called victims liars and says the problem with molestation policy does not exist. We will see about that.