I believe if matters are discussed reasonably and lovingly, it should be possible for compromises to be reached. It is much more damaging to keep going to meetings where you get more and more negative and irritated.
Good advice.
Thanks Penny2, if I can no longer be quiet about what nonsense I learned at the meeting, then I will simply stop going.
The purpose of the fade is to avoid a DF, but with concerned family and friends, it is a bit easier to cut down instead of
quit cold turkey. I already quit all responsibilities, all recruiting (service), and miss 40 to 50% of meetings. This shows
the wife that I am not just some devil-controlled apostate, but that I wanted to do what is right. I only make negative
comments about the meetings if she asks, or if something happens with the elders (it virtually never does).
Things will come to a head soon, because it is month 3 of reporting zero preaching hours. The elders were instructed
by mother to help me, but they have done nothing so far. They will want to act before the CO returns, because that's the
only motivation they seem to have. I plan to make the assemblies this year, but it should be my last. I plan to cut back
on the meetings even more, starting right away. I may totally forego every meeting except the Weekends, then cut down
on those by Summer.