I just listened to one of those teaching tapes from that Witness now for Jesus convention, it was about the divine name. It was a lot of stuff I've heard before "replacing lord for Jehovah in new testament when they shouldnt have" , etc. But towards the end the speaker gave an illustration that really hit me he said something like this:
"I don't know about you but I like my kids to call me daddy, not by my first name. There are only 2 people on this earth that can call me that. Is daddy a name? No its a TITLE"
Wow so I really understand being a parent myself that for my kids to love and respect me they dont need to use my first name... in fact I dont want them to. Does god want us to use his name or just know what his name represents "causes to become" from original hebrew lang. Anyway I thought this was a very interesting way to illustrate his point.