At Least He's Out of The Organization; that's a good start.
by The wanderer 45 Replies latest jw friends
I am glad that this post came up. As many of you may know I have been baptized and am a member of the Anglican Church.
Our church is a busy organization, we have missonaries, evangalizers, pastoral care services for the needy and sick, depressed , we have many forms of teachers and preachers pastors and deacons. We firmly believe in the commission given by Christ to become believers and baptized in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. As we all know Christs commisson was to preach the Good News of the Kingdom or as our translation says, this good news of the gospel will be proclaimed throughout the world. Christ said all authority is given by him in heaven and on earth.
We have many wonderful people in our parish where they devote time to the sick, which of course was a primary part of Christ's work, Healing the sick, blind and infirm. Jesus cured them but we can not cure,in the same way we can pray for the ill in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. We can feed the hungry, we call help the lonely and depressed or disillusioned. We educate people to help them become more helpful to their communities and to their families. they are taught to preach Gods word in any way that the person is gifted by the power of Christ. This power is Christ's alone. Math. 28: 18-20
This thread certainly brought about interesting facts.
Orangefatcat my ministry is to love one another..
We all have gifts of some kind, not all are are blessed with the same abilities. Ephsians 4:11-13 is an excellent bible text..
Good news of the kingdom? Nearly six-billion people slaughtered by a loving god and the prince of peace is not good news.
drew sagan
The real problem is that he thinks they are the only ones with the correct message.
Take a look at how people have come into the organization at differant peroids in its history. There where those who where drawn to Russellism, and where convinced the end of the world was coming because calculations in the ancient pyramids pointed to a date. And don't forget that Russell made use of all available technology, including the 'photo drama of creation' as well as being in many newspapers
Then there was the Rutherford years, and might I add that during the first half of this time nobody actually came in and more left the borg. It wasn't until the great depression that the org was able to get on a good standing again (especially because of 1925).
Remember, that was a time peroid marked by sandwich signs, phonograph records & the like. The Society had radio stations, tons of print articles and much more. They would protest churches, go into towns and cause a fuss, get thrown in jails & much more.
Then there was the good ol days of Freddy Franz. 1975 was a gem in the rock. Only 6 months for Bible studies because the end was so close. Sell your home because you're not going to need it anyway. Anybody not going into the full time work now is being to selfish and will not make it!
All along we still had the generation dogma. The amazing carrot dangled in front of the JWs for decades promising them the opportunity to never have to die in this wicked world. Might I add that this message was so strongly preached that even after 11 years after this doctrine has been abandoned JWs refuse to let go!
And now look at what the JWs currently do. A call here, a call there, go get some coffie, leave a magazine at a laundry mat, do another call, 4 houses on one street, more coffie, go home. And now as time goes on, and the 'preaching work' takes on an even more generic and meaningless form we have to wonder, what are they really doing? -
No where in the bible does it say Jesus taught his disciples wrong teachings to spread after his death and then change the teaching ,and the same goes for the other NT writers ,they did'nt teach and preach wrong things and then apostle John changed the teachings in his books written much later. The first century writings stayed the same , the only teaching that has changed is the 19th, 20th century writings of the WTS ,so if you don't start your org with truth ,how can it ever preach and teach bible truth?
How many people in this world have heard of the internet? My husband sends out e-newsletters to about 50,000 people a month for one of his clients. One push of the button and you have reached 50,000 customers with the latest company information . Many of the TV ministries have a weekly viewing audience of millions.
Technologically speaking, the WTS is like the Pony Express. Why would Jehovah and JC want their message to be delivered via the Pony Express, in an age where they could reach millions instantly?