I've always been curious, why does the New World Translation always render the word you in capital letters? Is is a subliminal effort to make a strong connection with the reader as though the writer of the scripture meant "you, the individual reading this"? In other words, is it an effort to force the scriptures to make a stronger impact? Or am I just making stuff up? lol
What is up with "YOU"?
by Morocco 12 Replies latest jw friends
The "YOU" in all capitals means the plural form of 'you'.
I think it is explained on one of the first pages of the NWT (before Genesis)... don't have a bible handy.
Why don't they render it, "you all" or something? I haven't read a NWT in a while so I'm a little rusty but I don't remember them making other words in captials. Surely there would be more words they would need to render differently, so why isn't half the bible in caps?
always render the word
it doesnt always render the word in all caps. Only when it is YOU as in You All. For example when dialogue is addressing all the israelites it is YOU. When it is addressing one person it is you.
Common practice in the english written language.
Why don't they render it, "you all"
Because You All isnt proper english. It is mostly a southern thing.
English doesn't have a plural form of 'you', the one word covers both singular and plural forms. Again, I don't have a NWT handy but that's what the capitals are all about. I remember once at a meeting finding another word that was in all capitals.. I can't remember offhand what it was, but it was the same idea.. the capitals were to clarify that the word was actually in plural form.
What about "yous"?
Well the KJV bible distinguishes between them all, by using THEE, THOU, and THINE. I have just learned something new, I never knew the NWT did that.
hm, interesting -- they need to just get it over with and say "yall"
"Quit messin' around all ya'll stiff necked isrealites! dang!"
i might actually read the bible if it was written like that.
~luv, jojo