MY SISTER, what a Joke!!! She and her tight arse husband would drive out in service in the winter, but would not use the heater in the car because they thought it would take more gas!!! I could go on, but what is the point! Sometimes being shunned is a blessing. Please share similar experiences. JK
Who was the biggest cheapskate that you knew in the Truff?
by JK666 20 Replies latest jw friends
Vince D_____
Liability prevents one from using names, but they were out there. I remember one pioneer brother. But I guess it makes sense that he would be counting his pennies. He was dedicated. The sorry thing is he was dedicated to a lie.
One brother at our hall felt 15 cents was a pretty good tip when he ate in restaurants. He took his wife to MacDonalds for their anniversary! I suggested Hut for her birthday! I wonder what he put in the contribution box!
I know a good one, and can I name him? former elder I believe
I won't call this brother a cheapskate, but...................he had the means to buy himself a new car, probably every year, but at least every 3 to 4 years. Instead, he would go to the car auctions to buy his cars..........for about $500.
Most of the JW's that attended the hall I went to. They were told to stop leaving Watchtower and Awakes as tips! Also to stop parking RV's in a hotel parking lot where witnesses friends were already paying hotel room fees. They were running in and showering, using the toilets, pillows, blankets, etc. and using the pool. Some were coming in an getting the free breakfasts using the room numbers of those already registered.
This low life was an elder in a local cong and a mate of my old mans , this group of elders used to go out for a good drink every sun night , rain or shine, and I mean a good drink because there would be a designated driver, most weeks about 8 plus would show up at a local pub and many more(as this would seem the approved way of drinking) now elder x had never been known to buy a drink in his life, and when asked what his tipple would be he would reply "A large whisky please" and would never buy a drink during the whole night......
My dad.
Once, on an austerity kick, he made us use old newspaper in place of toilet paper. He changed his mind about that money-saving idea after my brother clogged the toilet and he had to clean up the mess. -
My Dad- he had a good job, but insisted we wear the cheapest clothes, even made us wear those Kmart blue light special shoes, only bought us one or 2 toys our whole childhood, and took us to the movies twice.