What do you like to do for vacation

by avidbiblereader 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • avidbiblereader

    I love cruising. Cruised twice in the six months, have one planned for April and another one for 12 days in the Greek islands with Spain, Italy and Turkey. Royal Carib all the way.

    What do you like to do, been anywhere special or exciting? Summer is coming!!!!!


  • blondie

    Travel...........hubbie prefers to drive not fly

    Thought about a cruise, have even been to those little shows they have, but the cost always keeps us away...and now the viruses


  • jaguarbass

    When I had money, I used to like to go snow skiing. Now I just hang out at home.

  • avidbiblereader

    Blondie, the cost is not that bad, usually around a $100 a day or a little more depending on what ship or what destination, or when you plan it. Plenty to do, more then you will ever get done. For a little over a $100 a day, feed you like a king/queen, excellent service with a smile, usually 3-5 ports or new places to explore. Meet plenty of fun people, if you decide, look at the ship layout, you want to make sure your cabin is not under a area that has plenty of activity. I have been in 48 states, been in China, Japan, South Pacific, all over Canada, Mexico, South America, Alaska and I would have to say at this point in my life I enjoy cruising the most. Get out there!!


  • garybuss

    I live in the best city in the world. Where would I go to any better? I've seen most of the USA excepting the north east. My travel was more out of a restlessness than a curiosity.

    It is slightly cold here in the winter and I'd like to be a snowbird someday. But to me that's a lifestyle rather than a vacation.

    I like to fix up property, as in remodeling. I enjoy taking care of our acreage in summer. I like to visit my son for a weekend in Minneapolis.

  • zagor

    Travel, going to new and exotic places, meeting new people.

    But when I just want to relax I like to go somewhere in nature.

  • restrangled

    My husband and I have been very lucky. Every company we have worked for and now that we own our business the trips have been paid for, and some have been done on our own as follows:

    It always involves hard work, but the surroundings were incredible. We have been to Israel, Hawaii, Barbados, Austria, Germany, Poland, Italy, France, England, Ireland, Korea and Puerto Rico between the two of us. Germany is our favorite in the town of Garmisch. It is at the foot of their tallest mountain and is an absolute story book picture from the "Sound of Music"... This is close to where it was filmed. My husband has been to Germany over 20 times. Myself about 4.

    Since we live close to the Gulf and Atlantic ocean, mountains seem to be our preferance.

    My dream is to get to get to the Greek Islands.


  • avidbiblereader

    Restangled, Wow, quite a itinerary, when I get back at the end of July I will send you some pics of the Greek Isalnds, I cant wait to see them also.


  • zagor

    I've been around Mediterranean. Adriatic and Greek coastlines are the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Would recommend it to anyone at least once in a lifetime. Actually, I was even looking at some properties couple of years ago in Adriatic, I still might go ahead before it becomes way too expensive, and keep it for old age :smile:

  • Bstndance

    Used to go to Europe every winter (when it's cheap). This year is different. I've decided to go where the need (for sun) is great. In Feb, I'm going to Buenos Aires!!


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