Your dream, what would it be?

by restrangled 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Serendipity, hope you find your home by the sea and be able to paint to your hearts content.....what a nice dream.


  • Abandoned

    My dream is to write until it's all out of me. Then I'd like to get a nice lounge chair. Maybe a tivo.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    To sleep, perchance to dream.

  • zagor
    I would love to sing and play the piano that was worth listening to.....whats your dream?

    I used to play piano as a kid, even today I love to listen to Mozart, Vivaldi, Johann Strauss and others My biggest secret dream would be to fly into space and see from there this gem of the planet earth we are privilaged to live on.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I know this first part is cliche, but I'd like to have good, robust health and a clear head. I wish that for all people. I'd then like to go back to school become a better writer and start a magazine for girls that serves them better than magazines like 17.

    I sometimes invision myself living in a nice little antique trailer in a tiny desert town and working at a diner like Alice, Flo, Vera and Mel. But that's just a dreamy vision I get of getting away from it all in the beauty of the desert. I'd have a potted plant garden and lawn furniture. I'd hang Japanese paper lanterns in the warm months. I'd write and I'd know everybody in town and they'd know me. They'd stop by for tea.

    Oh yes, I'd love to have a syndicated radio show, the kind they play on NPR. I'd tour tearooms and coffee shops across the country and interview interesting, colorful local people. It'd be called something like Havin' Tea with Miss Paisley Wonder.

  • free2beme

    To make enough money as a full time writer and artist to live the way I do write now, only with more free time. I love to write, and I love to be creative. With a full-time work schedule, and life, that is not exactly happening these days.

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Find the right gal and get married...

  • avidbiblereader

    To forget all the negativity in my past

    That my kids and grandchildren are safe and secure

    That all of mankind can find peace and happiness

    That all of us can have the mind of Christ

    That when all the dust settles from life as we know it, that wherever God has life planned-that all of us are there and this life with its pains and suffering are completely gone forever

    That all who post here can find peace, happiness and love until that happens


  • jaguarbass

    I'm living my dreams. I just have to be thankful.

  • mama1119
    I'd love to live in a cozy cottage by the sea and paint and write and tend to my flower garden.

    Thats my dream!!!

    I also would love to go back to school

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