A few years ago I was in New Orleans for a business trip and took some time to check out the area. Very humid, not my cup of tea and I was glad I was only there for two days. Anyway, there is a strong amount of connections in the city with Voodoo. I went into a shop that sold Voodoo items, books, etc. It was interesting, and I spoke to a woman that worked there and she went on, on how Voodoo was a huge part of New Orleans and the people knew it, even if they did not admit it first hand. I wondered as she explained this, "How do Witnesses deal with the common knowledge of Voodoo use in their town?" I wonder if they think the town is Satan's playground or something. Anyway, I actually enjoy studying Voodoo, its history, its magick, etc. It has a big role in the Caribbean and the people of New Orleans are part of that too. What I was wondering though, now that you are post Witness, do you still see Voodoo as one of those "super evil" things or have you come to see it like another religion that is out there, like so many others? Until I left the religion, I really did not realize it was a religion, as I was so scared of it.
Voodoo and New Orleans
by free2beme 12 Replies latest jw friends
Sometimes i have to fight my ingrained inclination to judge, but for the most part I don't see any religion as better or worse when I force myself to realise that my knee jerk reaction is still wts crap that I've been brainwashed with.
I have gone through similar reservations about ideas like reincarnation or Oneness etc (and I still haven't landed anywhere). I am open to all ideas because I believe we create our own reality - and - "whatever gets you through the night"! But I do wonder sometimes whether I reject some teaching/ideas because of ingrained beliefs since birth (as a jw) or because I just outright think they are wrong/stupid/incorrect/erroneous?
From experience I do know that many many things I have learnt since leaving the jw's I first had to step through fear - sometimes a lot of fear and/or judgment. And fear is generally born from the unknown - we all fear not knowing. So often I thought I 'knew' about something eg wicca, channelling - even the bible etc only to discover that I had such a very limited and biased understanding of it. Even if one is not brought up a witness, so much of our culture is influenced by deeply ingrained 'christian' beliefs and there are many things that are still feared or suspected because of their ancient or pagan origins.
Even though I don't think science is the complete answer either (I believe there is a balance between science and spirituality that can be attained) I think many scientific discoveries have shed light on a lot of things that used to be considered 'suss' or 'flaky' (at best). There is a lot I have learnt through my interest in metaphysics that now has science to back it up - where it was once just in the domain of trippy new agers : )
I am having fun dipping my toe into a lot of waters and other times just throwing myself in head first. But I am cautious not to be too reckless, especially with children as my responsibility. I think for me the hardest thing to get past is still the feeling that satan is watching my every movement to pounce and take advantage of me - how sad!
I have been curious about alot of things and just don't know where to begin. One of the things that made me realize that jw are basically brainwashed by wts is hypnotism. I decided to read a book on it that I purchased at barnes and noble simply to inform myself about it. My wife at that time freaked out and told various family members so they could talk me out of it. Every single jw I talked to about it respond in exectly the same manner even using the same words in exactly the same way like they were robots. It was actually quite creepy. It was at that point that I really started looking deeper.
Hi free2beme
Don't know much about voodoo other than what I was taught as a catholic and then as a JW.
Does it work with nature and does it promote harmony between people and also with the earth?
I like what you said Bernadette:
"Does it work with nature and does it promote harmony between people and also with the earth?"
I try and distil most things down to some simple principles - does it support people in a positive way - their spirit, mind, emotions, physical health? does it support the earth? does it open one's heart and mind (or does it close hearts, just appeal to one aspect ie mind or physical gratification - so much of our society just appeals to the left side of the brain)? is it natural? would it appeal to a child/can a child instinctively understand it? is it open and transparent? does it flow easily and is adaptable to change or even being wrong?
In my experience everyone in the end is saying the same thing, just expressing it in a different way. We each have to find which way resonates most with our core. I have stopped listening to the words so much (as I basically hear the same thing over and over again, just dressed up differently) and listen to the person speaking. Are they speaking from their heart? Once you open up your own heart (and for me, that's why I left the jw's, because I couldn't close my heart to my father when he was df'd) and stop being obsessed with always having to be 'right', which means you have to make everyone else wrong, you can just listen to others with all of your body and feel what they are saying, not just listen with your ears.
Does it work with nature and does it promote harmony between people and also with the earth?
I also think this statement is quite profound and a way in which to judge a path in which we might be interested in taking. Sometimes the simplest answers and sayings are the sweetest...Thanks Bernadette!
Welcome to JWD zensism!
Hi Free2beme,
I can't say I know much about voodoo, but my perception is quite negative I suppose. My impression is that it uses fear in the pursuit of control, not unusual in the world or religion unfortunately. I think of voodoo dolls, curses, witch doctors. Am I totally wrong? I understood it to be a meld of continental african beliefs and catholicism, spawning from the days of slavery. Yes as a JW it would have been an anathema, but then so were all the other religions - almost equally.
It thrives in cultures where people are uneducated and superstitous. It 'works' because people believe it works. It is simple and easy to understand in principle but involved and mysterious in ritual practice. Not too different than the JW's.
Does it work with nature and does it promote harmony between people and also with the earth?
Voodoo, like all forms of religion Pagan, etc. Has a good side too it, that is in line with what you asked and a darker side. Hollywood likes to promote the darker side, as it sales on screen. Personally, I think it has some interesting views on the universe and our relationship with nature, animals and so on. It is not some people's cup of tea, but it is interesting to read. On the disappointing side, it has been used to control people through fear a lot in less developed countries and that is not right with any religion.