Sounds fun! Don't jw's in Canada have to abide by no trespassing signs? If not, get the no visits by jw please sign that looks like a no smoking sign. If you can't find one pm me I'll send you one.
Leaving Florida and Moving to Ontario!
by Saoirse 18 Replies latest jw friends
WELCOME to Ontario
Your one hour away from Me Waterloo!!! -
From all the welcomes it looks like you'll have plenty of unconditional friends waiting for you.
If the dubs Dew Drop In just tell them the Bible says we are not to even say a greeting to those who bring another Gospela nd shut the door.
That should get you a very large DO NOT CALL ON on the back of the terrritory card.
We have a deal in the works to move into at a house in Oakville. It's beautiful, right across from the Lake, a nice yard with big trees and lots a birds, hardwood floors, a finished basement, jacuzzi tub in the master bath, rec room and a hot tub. I just love it. The only downside is that it's right near a Kingdom hall. I swear, they ruin everything.
Welcome to Ontario! Just to forward you though: you're gonna shit twice and die when you encounter our winters here. Especially as you're used to tropical weather. Oakville's not too far from me.......maybe we can get together when you move up here.
Oakville is a very nice city. You will enjoy it. But you will be surrounded by Jdubs
from a fellow Ontarian
Is Ontario the new mecca for ex-JW's? Man there are a lot of you up there! I wanna visit! You all must have some awesome meetups!
You must be nuts. lol Trading hurricanes for snow! Oakville is nice but it'll be a rough commute into Toronto if he's working downtown. You'll sort it out though. Good luck and it'll be good to meet you when you get here.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I grew up in the northeast so the winter won't bother me that much. Honestly I think it's getting too hot in Florida.
Oakville's not too far from me.......maybe we can get together when you move up here.
Sounds great! Oakville/Toronto apostafest anyone?
But you will be surrounded by Jdubs
No kidding. We started making jokes about there being a KH on every corner in Canada. We went for a scenic drive today and ended up passing the Canada bethel. It looked like a nice property and there were some nice sized homes. I wonder who lives in them?
I live in Prince Edward Island.
One of my favorite places! I was a big fan of the Anne of Green Gables series and I got to visit there when I was a kid. My husband and I have that on our list of places to see.
Your one hour away from Me Waterloo!!!
We were just near there today! My husband's boss lives there and he kept telling us to check out the area.
If the dubs Dew Drop In just tell them the Bible says we are not to even say a greeting to those who bring another Gospela nd shut the door.
Hehe. I'll probably just pretend to be interested long enough to plant a few seeds.
We were just near there today! My husband's boss lives there and he kept telling us to check out the area.
O.K. if you here again drop in I will e-mail my address & #