I knew a lot of JWs that "beat" their child with the "rod" as a preferred "scriptural" form of punishment. Corporal punishment was the norm while growing up......Were you given the "rod" often? Did you overly discipline your children???
Did You Overly Discipline Your Kids Because Of Being A Witness?
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
rolling rock
I don't have any kids to "beat" yet.;) But, I have thought about this quite a few times and I know meny kids that I was brought up with as a Dub who's mom and dad took spanking there kids way overboard... I always felt bad for them kid's...
I have no problems with spanking my child and at the same time, I hardly do it. When I do though, I sit down and we talk about what he did and why it lead to a spanking. By the time I spank him, he has told me what he did and understands. He is normally very upset and I maybe spank two times, not even hard, but it bothers him so much as we talked about it. I have spanked my spouse harder playing around with games, then I spank my child, but his has some discipline with it and it drives deeper in to his mind. For the most part, we have found the threat to spank more powerful then the spanking itself and when he act up and nothing is working, simply saying "do you want a spanking," ends it. I might spank my son, once every two months these days and I can not remember the last time it happened. He is such a well behaved little boy, and intelligent, that he knows when he is being good and when he is tired and acting up. I have had him come up to me and say, "I need to take a nap, I am getting grumpy." It is so cute. Most people think we are a little to easy on him, but at the same time we get tons of compliments on how loving and caring he is, plus how well behaved he is. He is a jewel.
Do you think spanking is necessary?
Lady Lee
Were you given the "rod" often?
Yes. I got my last beating when I was 17 yrs old. My mother had a strap made by the local shoe repair guy. It was 1/4 inch in thickness 2 ft long and about 3 inches wide. She kept in hanging on a nail by the door and was proud to display it for all to see when they came for the book study. I remember it causing huge welts in the skin of myself and my 3 brothers and sister.
Did you overly discipline your children???
Regrettably yes. After being the victim of my mother's belt I decided early on that I would never use a belt or any other object to discipline my daughters. I only used my hand and always on the rear end. The oldest could be disciplined with a look so rarely needed spanking. The younger one was out to test the limits so she did get it more than I would like to recall.
Their father had this habit of pinching the girls to get them to sit. I would only discover this when I was undressing them for bed. They would have all these little crescent shaped marks on their sides. I was furious but he never stopped doing it until the girls came to live with me.
He could also get violent with them and on more than one occassion I had to push him out of the room when he had lost control and started hitting them more than I was comfortable with. One time I had to push him out when he started kicking one of them.
I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't leave and take the girls with me much sooner.
After leaving the JWs I stopped spanking them. My youngest daughter says I slapped her once and while I can't remember it both girls agree that it happened just that once.
Depends on what for? Using it to try and drive the severity of a point home, when nothing else is working, yes. Using it as causal punishment, because you can not control your anger, no.
Lady Lee
Do you think spanking is necessary?
For the most part No. I watch my grandchilren as they try to discover their limits. The Christmas tree was a huge attraction for them both this year and mommy kept saying, "No don't touch." They would look at her and a little hand would reach back and grab a branch. "No". again. They would hide their face with one hand and with the other reach out again. Third time and they got the tap on the hand and the older (2 1/2 yrs) would have to go stand in the corner. And then the younger one would go stand with him because she does everything her big brother does. Too cute but oh how they love to test the boundaries
rolling rock
I think that kids need spankings up to a certen age. I would think that after they are over 12 or 13 years old there much better methods to Discipline your kids... How about the parents that would hit there kids in frount of everyone at the KH???
I too believe that spanking isvery seldom necessary. A tap on the hand or butt can sometimes make the point. My mother too had the razor strap and I got it more than a few times. After I got hit, I'd look at my mom and ask her:"Do you feel good now that you've lost your self-control?"
My dad got councelled for beating the sh*t out of me in the Kingdom Hall parking lot..I was a toddler..You can`t hear the speaker,when babys are shriekiing in the Kingdom Hall parking lot..I remember it to this day...OUTLAW