Acadian many thanks, that's what I wanted the folks to see. So why is the WT&BTS incorporated? Do we have a conflict of interest here?
Would Jesus Have Been Incorporated?
by Golf 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
I recall seeing a site refering to the lack of necessity to incorporate. They are defined as "Free" churches and are allowed by US legislation: It is this kind of church that I usually attend in Scotland (Free Church of Scotland).
Jesus and the apostles would preach in the same manner as they did, without the use of money and ONLY the scriptures, the HS he promised said not to keep adding and going beyond the things written, they would have no Bethel, they gave freely and so they would not need a corp. Jesus was about truth not numbers, by their fruits you will know them,
Why does the WTS feel the need to avoid taxes. Didn't Jesus say to give Caesars things to Caeser? Don't taxes bring benefits to the poor? The ill? The handicapped? I'm proud to contribute a portion of my pay for such things. Its the least the WTS could do since they donate zilch otherwise.