Don't be overly worried about what people can do.
They will always find a way to hack, follow websites. The real trick is
what to do with that information. Advertisers want to know where you
go to make money. But what's a friend / family member / spy going to
do with your apostate sites? This is way too complicated for a
judicial committee to use. All you have to do is DENY, DENY, DENY.
I used to work at a company that had lots of slow periods- I would go on
the internet and basically goof off. I knew the boss could monitor my
internet usage, but I also knew that he would have to admit that he did
such a thing. I never worried about it, he never admitted to spying.
If someone is out to get you, they should not be able to do more than
know where you went. They would have to read quite a bit to figure out
who you are on the site. You would just DENY, DENY, DENY.