Faith healing among Witnesses

by free2beme 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    There is this guy on television, with the most amazing comb over, that is a faith healer. His name is Benny Hinn, and it always seems like when I turn by those Christian networks in my channel surfing, I catch a glimpse of this guy. He is always healing people (supposedly) and doing the slap on the forehead to do this. While this is so humorous to watch, it can not be ignored that Christianity does teach a divine healing in its religion. Jesus healed, the apostles healed and people have look to their Christian god for healing since the dawn of Christianity in this world. So what about Witnesses, did you see any examples of them wanting faith to heal people?

    We had an elder in our congregation who got real thin all of a sudden. He went to the doctor, and found out that he had stomach cancer. They wanted to operate and when they did, they found it was all over his body and there was nothing that could be done. He was a popular elder and people were sad that he would soon die. So often in prayer at the meetings, as well in field service, Bible studies and so on. People would say something like this, "Jehovah, please help Brother Jones to fight this cancer and live." What were they asking for? Were they asking for a game of chance? Where they asking to perhaps bring this to Jehovah's attention, in case he was out to lunch when Brother Jones found out? Or, where they asking for a healing? More often then not, I would say that the latter question was what they were asking for. Healing from prayer, and prayer was useless without FAITH, right?

    When my mother-in-law found out a couple of years ago, that she had breast cancer. She had to have a full mastectomy. While she was in the hospital, the family was all sitting around supporting one another and talking. An elder asked to say a prayer. Which was not a easy moment, considering that about half those in the room where not Witnesses. So he prayed, and he asked, "Please help Sister Adams to fight this and get well soon?" Was he asking for her to do this of her own strength, or what he looking to inspire the LORD to do something for her divine? I think we realize that the elder was hoping that this prayer would open the floodgates of Holy Spirit to be a healer for Sister Adams, and since Witnesses felt elders were more connected to Holy Spirit, this gave comfort to my father-in-law when he stated, "I hope Jehovah heard that prayer and helps Judy?" A mind set reflected in a comment, that many Witnesses hold too, right?

    Yet faith healing died out with the early Christians, and is not something Witnesses think is possible today. They rank it up there with other deeds of the early Christians, that were holy then, but evil when done now. Things like speaking in tongues, oh the mere thought of doing that brings chills to the Witness spine. So what happens, when health is on the line, better yet why do Witness pray for faith healing in such odd side stepping ways? Personally, I think it is mental aspect of the mind to realize that healing starts from within. We look to the most powerful part of our body and souls when weak and unlock the door with what ever key we use. Some use religion, and are open about it like that Benny Hinn guy and others use prayer and are subtle about it, like that elder who prayed for my mother-in-law and the congregation that prayed for the popular elder who died of stomach cancer.

    Witness are an interesting group to look at, when you see them from the outside. Yet think about this for a moment, "Did you think prayer had a healing influence in your life, or the life of other Witnesses you knew?" Most likely, you did? Most likely, you also made fun of people like Benny Hinn at the same time. Yet he was just doing openly, what YOU as a Witness, was doing on the side. Interesting, isn't it?

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Yeah, like he'd save one person and not another, that's the thinking behind that. I

    Once when a nice sister died - after we prayed for several months that she'd get well - her JW family said that Je---ah took her and saved her out of her unhappy marriage. Oh, and she left behind 2 small daughters and a son.

  • OnTheWayOut
    her JW family said that Je---ah took her and saved her out of her unhappy marriage

    Terrible thing to say. JW's are supposed to be coached to never say such things.
    Still, people are people.

    On the matter of faith healing, studies show that prayer and positive thinking has
    some benefit. JW's would pray for someone the same way a faithful person of
    another religion would pray- nothing strange. A faith-healer thinks he is a
    lightning rod for God's power to flow to the ailing (if he were truly a believer) or
    he is a con artist. Otherwise, the analogy is sound. We scoffed at such antics,
    but expect God to do something for our prayers.

    The one that gets me scoffing is organized sports teams prayers. Why would
    God care who wins the game?

  • free2beme
    Why would God care who wins the game?

    But God might be a PACKERS fan.

  • jaguarbass

    God might be with the team that prays the hardest or that goes to church the most.

  • searching4truth
    But God might be a PACKERS fan.

    GOD is a Packers fan!!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Well, certainly the fine folks in Green Bay are better Godly people than
    us sinners in Chicago. Fortunately, (game is not over as I type) the
    Bears don't need this game.

    Chicagoans will learn how to pray within the next two weeks.

  • searching4truth

    Personally when I was in I was taught that god didn't affect our own personal health or that of others like in the first century. Acts of miracles of that sort were supposed to be to identify the first century christians as being GODs people and no longer needed for that. So when I or anyone I heard prayed for god to help someone through an illness or anything difficult for that matter, I was always taught that it was for Jehovah to fortify the person mentally and spiritually. I never took it as asking for a miracle. I guess if anything I thought by doing this it was enabling them to heal themself internally by relieving stress or at least helping to cope with it.

  • Abandoned

    GOD is a Packers fan!!!

    I was curious about this too, so I visited a psychic recently. The psychic had me close my eyes and after a couple moments, a vision came to my mind:

    Brad Johnson and Brett Favre had died and were being lead through the pearly gates into heaven. St. Peter was a big football fan and was conducting the tour himself. They make chitchat as they walk around on the streets of gold and finally, st. peter stops in front of an attractive two story rambler. The house is painted in green and gold and has Packer banners hung throughout the front yard. "Brett, this is your house here in heaven," st. peter said. Brett looked over his house and seemed satisfied until he saw a huge mansion in the distance that was painted purple and gold and nearly inundated with Vikings banners. Brett, obviously upset, turned to st peter and complained, "Hey, I was a better quarterback then Brad Johnson, how come he gets such a large spread?" St. Peter looked to where Brett was pointing and replied, "Oh, that's not Brad's house, that's God's."

  • Confession

    I'm with you on this, free2be. Interesting. I think JWs would prefer to leave a little room for the possibility that Jehovah could help a person in these circumstances. I've previously written in this forum about my problem with many individual JWs' concluding that either Jehovah or the demons were responsible for some event in their lives. I used to want to ask these people,

    "So this good thing happened to you, and you think Jehovah did it. Well then why didn't he do it for Sister This or Brother That? And how do you explain it when someone in the world has a seemingly miraculous thing happen to them?"

    To say that Jehovah NEVER directly helps people miraculously would prevent the WTS from reporting some of those so-called miraculous experiences. Like when the Nazis were searching that JW home, specifically looking for the typewriter used to type JW messages--and even though it was right there in the cupboard, they could not see it! Jehovah apparently blinded the eyes of those Nazis so they wouldn't find the typewriter! Meanwhile, in the next town, JW Wolfgang was getting his head chopped off. Jehovah couldn't have intervened then?

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