I have been so upset by the lack of respect and value for human life following the events that have taken place over the past few years. Surely, this is bible prophesy being fulfilled at its highest level. The bible says that the end of the world will come when those in power are proclaiming 'peace and security'. Since these terrible wars between America and Iraq, we have endured horrifying images of decapitation and hanging in the name of peace. The world is in such a terrible mess and things seem to be going from bad to worse. Jehovah said that 'men would become faint out of fear for the terrible things that are going on in the world' and I do feel faint out of fear. How can people treat each other so cruelly? It doesn't make me want to be put of this world as there is so much hatred and betrayal, it is hard to find genuine friends. I feel so sad for all the bad that is going on. Access to the internet is making it easy for children to see images that they should never have to witness where 'instead of peace' the actions of those fighting for a world with peace and security are fighting violence with violence. The wars of today are reverting the world back to the middle ages where hanging and torture was tolerated - surely we shouldn't have to see things like this in the 20th century. I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to someone who would understand as I feel so powerless and right now, feel quite scared for the future
Sign ot the times?
by cubix 8 Replies latest jw friends
Green Chille
Do you mean the 21st century?
Atrocities such as these have been going on since time immomorial. It's no worse now than it's ever been, we just hear more about it because of the media.
Unfortunately human nature dictates that these vile things will always happen. It's evolution's way of keeping the world's population down.
You just need a way of learning not to let it bother you.
This has been going on since there were men. John the Baptist was beheaded. If you want to feel good about life dont read the bible. Only read positive wholesome literature.
Try reading this article, The Perils of Post Hockery. I believe it might give you a different, valuable perspective on these sorts of questions.
Things that are happening today are upsetting, but they aren't a modern - day phenomenon.
If you believe the bible, which I personally don't, you read accounts ot the total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the total annihilation of the Canaanites by the Jews, the total destruction oo Jerusalem by the Babylonians. Do you think that the people in those cities were any less frightened or horrified by the things that were happening to them than those of us who witness modern - day atrocities?
These things have been happenning throughout history, so I personally discount any claim that todays events are a fulfillment of bible prophecy. I left those ideas behind me when I left the jws.
I don't know what country you live in, but I recommend reading A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn. It is rather eye opening to see just how bad things were in the past, too. Often, the "good old days" weren't so "good" after all. It can help us put our present circumstances into a broader perspective. I do not believe that the present state of mankind is perfect either. Certainly, the potential for disaster in human society exists on a larger scale than in centuries past. Fortune telling, Biblical or otherwise, is often so vague that you can make it fit whatever scenario you want it to.
Dave -
What a privilege we have to live in such a magnificent time! Mankind’s generosity and compassion is very evident when tragic events such as Nine Eleven, the Tsunami or hurricane Katrina occur. People all over the earth sent money for these victims and many took time from their busy lives to travel to these places and help personally. Thanks to modern marvels such as the Internet the world is aware of these events very quickly and the victims are able to get more aid and get it in a timely manner.
Here in the United States during the Great Depression many men, women and children were homeless, went hungry and were without medical care of any kind. Today we have subsidized housing, food stamps, Medicaid and many other programs put in place by compassionate leaders. We have food pantries, homeless shelters, free medical clinics and other assistance offered by compassionate Christian and secular groups.
I think man is becoming more and more caring about his fellow man. There are of course exceptions and there always will be, and if we choose to focus on the exceptions I guess this world could seem bleak.
It is said that many felt the invention of the bow and arrow would mean the end of the world because it was such a leap in warfare technology.
We choose to see what we want to see.
Try looking at the good for a while, you may change your point of view.
Sailor Ripley
Your writing sounds like a dub that came to my door a while back. She was awfully depressing to hear. All she wanted to tell me was how bad everything is. I told her, I can't change those things. I can change only what I can change, which I try to make life better every day.
I told her to take a day, one day per week for herself. Don't talk to any jehoobies and just go out and have fun. Do what she likes to do. I asked what she likes to do. All jehoobie crap, which was more depressing to me than WWIII talks. Please live for today and not the new sesstym.
I hope you can find something about which you can be positive. As someone on here says, "don't let a publishing company run your life."
**Exits to go out and enjoy a beautiful New Year**