Did you as a woman buy into and follow the subjection crap?

by restrangled 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • lighthouse19something

    My wife always told me 'go ahead and try that,you always fall alseep before I do'

  • Nellie

    I never thought of it as "subjection crap" - but probably because I didn't have a husband who tried to lord over me.

    I always tried (and still do try) to be respectful and I defer to him the final decision on some decisions that I think should be his - after putting in my two cents (of course). But we've never had a circumstance where he tried to flex "Me Tarzan - You Jane." He has always shown me (and my opinion) respect and while I might not always agree with everything he chooses, I believed (and still believe) he has the right to make those choices.

    At the end of the day, as long as the decisions being made aren't to the detriment of the family, then their free will. I married a man, not a robot - I don't expect he feels any differently.

  • sf

    Did you as a woman buy into and follow the subjection

    Depends on a few things.



    OHHHHHHHHH that SkallyWagger!!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

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