i am putting my story up there.. just one post so far. check it out if you like.
not sure how long i'll keep it up.. i keep editing it shorter and shorter LOL
but the board was slow last night and i am quite happy talking to myself.
by candidlynuts 21 Replies latest jw friends
i am putting my story up there.. just one post so far. check it out if you like.
not sure how long i'll keep it up.. i keep editing it shorter and shorter LOL
but the board was slow last night and i am quite happy talking to myself.
but the board was slow last night and i am quite happy talking to myself.
I talk to myself a lot . Its when i answer myself that creeps me out
Going to read your Blog
imagine my suprise when sex lasted longer than 4 seconds!! (bitter divorcee much? LOL)
You are one funny lady
You have had some really harsh things happen in your life and very sad . You have the greatest personality and funnier then hell.
Thanks for letting us in to read your Blog Candid.
I talk to myself a lot . Its when i answer myself that creeps me out
Going to read your Blog
It could be worse... I could be answering you.
I is going to read Candid's blog too...
What a story of your life...very touching and I can relate on many things
Your husband was such a jerk...(at least mine wasn't physically abusive...emotionally and verbally: YES)
I am so sorry for all you have went thru in life.
thanks for the nice comments!
Oh Candi -just read your blog. What a story girl! The horrible things I've heard since I've been out of the organization make me sick. How they cater to these bastards.
I'm happy that you are much better now. And a grandma too. I hope this new year is full of good things for you!!
Thanks for sharing. Love, Juni
Candi - If I did not know better, I would think you were one of my best GF's.
I am so sorry you had to go thru what you did. Are your kids JWs?
And my belief is once a cheat always a cheat, you cannot tell me that if your loser husband was abusive to you and cheated on you that he is not going to do it to wifey #2.
Peace to you.
I loved when you said if your granmother and greatgradmother were still alive and continued to believe the things the Society had taught them they would be labled apostates. You are so right.
You have been through some tough times. I'm glad you are doing well now. Keep it up and take care.