sometimes when you think you've had it rough.....

by zev 11 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • zev


    they put a stent in her today to keep the artery that they opened up from collapsing.

    they ran a big bunch of tests yesterday trying to figure out what could be causing such a clog up in her at such a young age.

    the cardiologist isn't convinced its all "genes". he thinks something else is up.

    results maybe tomorrow.

  • wednesday

    zev i hope they can find something to help your sister, and you. That is very bad luck to be 28 with those problems.

    It really was/is hard for me to acept life is not fair. I kept thinking there was someone/something that was going to equalize all this. It was very difficult for me to accept that probably the most I can hope for is a change of attitude for myself and strength.

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