How easy it is to forget those great claissics. I can't believe almost every song on any of those albums was a hit. Just remember some of them 3. Who wants to live forever List goes on and on. I just love it. Haven't been listening to it for for the last 5-6 years. This morning I was looking through some of those old albums and stumbled across 3 Queen albums. You can listen to this music in almost any occession. Many of today's musicians make one song that is hit and fill rest of the CD with crup and then wonder why people download music from the Internet. Well maybe because there was only one song worth listening to, so why buy whole album for that one song. Anyway, Are there any fans of Queen's music here ? |
WOW, just dug out my old Queen albums
by zagor 25 Replies latest jw friends
I drank way too much while listening to the Jazz album last night. Love them Fat Bottomed Girls!!
Are there any fans here of Queen music?
Me, me!
I have most of their Cd's, love 'em! Huge fan of Freddy Mercury can't help but wonder what they would have evolved into if he hadn't died.
LOL almost forgot my coming out of the B'org song was "I Want to Be Free" so fitting!
Love them Fat Bottomed Girls!!
LOL Fat Bottomed Girls and the Bicycle song were always played at cycling events, yay Queen!
ok bikerchic, just for you
Queen is awesome. For some reason they always remind me of rollers skating.
Definitely the biggest band ever. I just purchased the last CD that were missing.
LOL i love queen!! but i giggle cuz i remember my brother playing them backwards to hear the "demonic" messages.
lol check this out