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by AK - Jeff 18 years ago 13 Replies latest 18 years ago jw friends
AKA- Jeff "Never got around to taking any pics. Should have - but my mug might've broke the darn thing" You trying to tell me that your not a Tiger???
Yes I am. But the one in the avatar is my better looking brother, AK Tony. Jeff
........to tell ya!
mrsjones (and you Jeff) are people from JWD I'd really like to meet up with. Imagine if we could have some kinda apostafest that's not bound by time and space, eh?
Congrats to all of you.
Imagine if we could have some kinda apostafest that's not bound by time and space, eh?
I'm with ya' Ozzie. Money can overrule some of that - but then I don't have much of that.