zensim, wow, we have something in common.. ;)
by Tigerman 126 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
zensim, wow, we have something in common.. ;)
Mulan..Thats cool..Good for you!..You got my curiosity up..Tell me about the toothpaste..LOL!!...OUTLAW
JayHawk1..If you get a bad feeling about someone,there is usually good reason for it..Lots of people think they know irodology..They are idiots..I know alot,but I wouldn`t bet somebodys health on it..You have to be trained.....I met so many know-it-alls,that knew nothing.Their products could do everything!..Sometimes they would even challange what I used(both supplements would contain the same ingredients),against the product of the company they represented..I would send it to the lab..LOL!!..Costs a bit,but you get to know what your dealing with...OUTLAW
You should have seen this woman in action. There was no doubt in my mind she was a quack. She would look in their eyes make what appeared to be guesses. Then they would comment or complain about something else and then she would put that light in their eyes again and agree with them. It would go something like this... Quack, "Looks like you have some spots on your liver. Take 3 of these and two of these every day." Duped JW, "Did you happen to notice what is going on with my left knee?" Quack, "Let's have another look... Oh yes, how did I miss that? Here is just what you need..." Well, off to bed... I've enjoyed the spirited conversation on this thread. Check you tomorrow!
Akack.."Irodology resembles Reflexology"???..Do you know,you don`t know what your talking about..Or..Are you just an idiot?...OUTLAW
Outlaw ... sigh...
As iridology maps the body with irises, reflexology maps the body with the feet, the right foot corresponding to the right side of the body and the left foot corresponding to the left side of the body.
They certainly resemble each other in terms of their sheer silliness. They both have no basis in physiology.
Also. It is you're. Not your. You've done it like 20 times now, and though your punctuation style is rather grating, I think you could make an effort to at least use the right words a bit more.
JayHawk1..That is just sad.."Looks like you have some spots on your liver"..???..LOL!!..Sounds like a Medicine Show for sure..This person has no morals..You can hurt another person by over prescribing herbs and other supplements..What if you don`t need that product?..Amateurs and frauds are a pain in the ass!.....Good night Bud!..Talk to you later..OUTLAW
Boy Ackack, where's that infallible approach to reason when you went looking on the web? You decry your own methodology.
You would want to be great in bed to make up for all the rubbish you spout here? Was that a low and unfair blow - better correct my grammar for me.
... am torn now, part of me is looking for punishment, the other part just wants you to know you are MORONIC!
zensim, huh? I don't think I know what you're talking about. Was something I said about reflexology/iridology unfair? Is that what you're referring to?
You say tomatoe,I say toe-ma-toe..The best you can do is correct my spelling?..LOL!!..You don`t know what your talking about..You don`t have a miniscule grasp of the subject..But your busy telling us all about it..If you knew any less about the subject,your brain would create a black hole and suck planets and galaxeys into your empty scull..LOL!!...OUTLAW