I had a complete blast on new years! Matt and I went to a bar with one of my girlfriends and she and I drank the night away. Matt was the DD, and we kept trying to get him to do shots with us and toast the new year, but he always declined. I found out later that he only nursed 2 beers the entire night...I on the other hand downed a pitcher and a half of beer, 2 shots of goldschalger, 2 jaeger bombs, and some champagne at midnight...I was blitzed to say the least. So when it was time to go home, I passed out in the passenger seat and he drove us home. So at some point I wake up and notice that we're not moving, and there are flashing blue lights behind us. So I start freaking out, but Matt assured me it was no big deal. Apparently I had a headlight out and that's why we got pulled over. The cop was in his car at the time running Matt's license. So the cop comes back and shines the light in my face. He starts laughing and says, "Drink a little too much there tonight dear?" I just laughed and said yeah. He let us go with a warning since we were less than a mile from home, and this little piece of advice. ''I've pulled a lot of people over tonight, and you two are among the very few that I haven't had to arrest. It's a very simple thing to do, get a designated driver, but you'd be suprised at how many people say, 'oh i'm fine! i just had a few beers.' Then I'm the one that has to go tell their mom, dad, wife, husband that we found their car wrapped around a tree down the road. You two are smart kids. Keep it up!'' So here's to everyone who's ever been a designated driver! I salute you! ~luv, jojo
Here's to designated drivers!!!!!!
by kittyeatzjdubs 13 Replies latest jw friends
I was the designated driver, but it turned out the party was soo weak it wasn't needed! I don't think anyone had a buzz!
my wife does not drink so I have never had an issue
I am always the designated driver and the most i am thankful for is that no one has puked in my truck so far.
Here in the Uk the Home Office's and the Police obsession with Drink Drivers goes on and on with TV campaigns etc, just because they are easy targets to arrest, yet nothing is ever done to the crazy boy racers who terrorize our town night after night , or elderly drivers who cant see over the wheel, only last week and OAP driver was caught going the wrong way down the the freeway, causing mayhem , and only escaped with a warning , this obsession with persecuting guys who are 1 beer over the top sickens me.
this obsession with persecuting guys who are 1 beer over the top sickens me.
I can't believe I actually just read that...My niece was in the hospital intensive care unit for over a week because of a guy who was ''one beer over''. With all the people in this world who have lost someone to a drunk driver, I can't believe you just said that.
Me and the hubby have been doing it for years. Whoever gets to be DD depends on who feels like drinking. And it works our cuz neither one of us are social drinkers. If hubby wants to drink I'm cool with a ginger ale or sprite and he's the same.
My car was totalled a few years ago by a kid stone cold sober with no insurance or licence , maybe if he was a drunk he could have missed me
fleaman uk
Sounds like your so is a smart chap.Not certain you were smart though,offering him shots.Still,he declined so no harm done.
Back in my early twenties I was an EMT and responding to a car accident. As I was trying to get through a red light a drunk in a very large flatbed truck did not yield the right-a-away to an EMS vehicle and smashed into us. I spent two weeks in the hospital with concussion, ruptured bladder, torn spleen and lumbar disk torn loose. My partner had a bad neck injury and had to go on permanent disability. Later I found out the call we were responding to was a lady that was also drunk and pasted a tree with her car. I had to re-train into a new profession since I could not do the heavy lifting that the job requires.
My own injuries and all of the carnage I saw in that profession gave me a very dim view of drunk drivers. It is by far one of the most irresponsible, careless and hurtful choices a person could make. Sometimes I think the country of Iran has the right idea. The execute drunk drivers and as a result they average less then one DUI per year there. I doubt they have any organizations such as MADD, they really don't need it. Thier concept of public awarness is a drunk driver swinging by his neck.
I completely agree that a designated driver is the only alternative to anyone driving drunk. But if you do not have enough respect for yourself to not get completely wasted why would you be the least bit concerned about a total stranger?