I am not certain that this is the right area to put this topic but if not please feel free to put it in a better spot. Last night I was talking on the phone to a friend that I had made on a different forum. She and I were talking about her rrecently meeting Mr...could be .. Right. The conversation turned itself around so that we were talking about personal experiences and she related that she could see spirits.. she had told me that before and I was VERY skeptical. This time she related mmore stories that made an impression. She told me that everyone has spirit ~ spiritual guides and that I have 3 .. there are 2 males and a female. A fourth moves in and out... hhmm. I asked her to describe them and she did describe one man and she described my childrens great grandfather I believe. Sure sounded like him. I adored that man but he died in the 1970s. How many of us still believe that these are demons etc. and why. How many of us believe that this can be the truth and we are granted guides at birth? Some of the things that she said really blew me away about this.
We all have spirit ~ spiritual guides??
by Cabin in the woods 11 Replies latest jw friends
I'm quite sure that i have at least 3: two grandmothers and my younger brother who died. I saw my bro very clearly in a meditation. One granny seems quite active, and loves me. The other is like a foundation to me.
Cabin, I studied Spiritualism for a fair while not too long ago, and this was a popular topic in that belief system.
I personally believe in them, as I have had a few mediums describe them in detail, and they always seem to agree with each other. There are often times that I get nudges from my guides, warnings and encouragement. I ask my guides for protection when I go on a long road trip, ask for guidance when I need a new viewpoint.
I see it as a very loving arrangement which gives us some help "from above" when we really need it. It's a beautiful thing, especially knowing that one of my guides (my grandfather) keeps an eye on me. :)
I've been looking hard and long for my spirit guides but I can't seem to find them. However, I think if I go down to the Queen's Tale I'm sure I'll find them hunched over glasses of Guiness and gossiping wildly about what I did last night, and blame everything on ME !
AK - Jeff
My sister believes that. I'm not sure at all. I do believe there is a whole heck of a lot that I don't know.
I think having spirit guides is a possibility. When my father died 3 years ago, I and everyone who looked could see orbs in photographs that were taken. People say that orbs are spirits. Google it if you do not know about it. The orbs were showing up from many differnet cameras. So it wasnt just 1 deffective camera. Now with the passing of time the orbs do not appear anymore. There was something there.
Bumble Bee
I'm starting to believe this. I haven't had any visible signs that I have spirit guides, but have been told that my parents and my grandmother are watching over me. I just wish they'd let me know!! lol
<<<Stepping through the thoughts of skeptic doubt that normally follow people making post like this >>>
I am a big believer in Spirit Guides and have identified all of mine, and appreciate them in my life all the time. I have even spoken out loud, many times, that I was glad they pointed something out for me and brought something to my attention. There is something that happens in my life, that I do not opening discuss that happens every time my Spirit guides are trying to show me something. I live a very magick filled life, but keep the curtain closed on that section for must people.
There are also Spirits of people who died around you, but not always. Sometimes they come around when you have something that belonged to you, or something that was a real anchor to them in this world. Most are ones who crossed over, just popping in from time to time and others are ones who have not crossed. Often when I have been at Witness funerals, I have felt lost souls who seem confused that they died and yet they still see people and they do not respond. Maybe that is why so many empty seats, places for them to go. Anyway, I have had spirits make themselves very apparent in my life at times, shaking the bed, moving items, and other things. Often I will just comment that they need to cross over and if they need something from me, speak ENGLISH and not games. I do not think they are demons, demons are a man made problem, and more about fear and mental filters we applied over time. Do I fine any of these thoughts scaring or a chill up the spine, NO. So I believe, oh yes.
<<<Stepping behind the brick wall, waiting for the skeptic grenade to go off>>>
I believe in spirit guides.
Well, if it's true (I somewhat hope it is. Death isn't quite what I want in the future), that'd be cool.
But that just means I need to learn to kick my spirit guides in the butts. Because they all SUCK....