I Am An Atheist

by Abandoned 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abandoned

    Wow! I am currently enjoying Richard Dawkins The God Delusion. I was reading chapter one and going, "yeah, yeah! That's what I believe too." My whole life I thougth atheism involved...I don't know...something hateful or satanic. Isn't that hilarious? Atheism having anything to do with satanism? Atheism is recognizing that the universe doesn't need a group of people to defend it. Atheism is appreciating what's all around us without the compulsion to form a ritualistic fan club. Atheism is looking at how amazing and wondrous the universe is without having to define it in my terms, or in any terms for that matter. It's taking everything as it is. The universe makes sense because it works. The universe is amazing because it's amazing. The beauty of the universe should be available to all, regardless of where they are from or to what organizations their parents belonged to when they were born. Religion just fouls everything up. Buildings, creeds, special robes, holy water, inspirational songs, and the like are not essential to appreciating how expansive and mind-bogglingly active everything around us is.

    Anyway, if the rest of the book is as amazing as chapter one, then I think I may have a new hero, and I definitley have discovered another author whose work I need to study. For those of you who are afraid of reading Dawkins work because you fear it may be disrespectful to God, check out at least, the first chapter. It doesn't cut religion any slack, but it shows the utmost respect and awe for the magnificence we see around us. WOW!!!

  • J-ex-W

    Abandoned----- I've been wondering where you're at. When you're done with the book, can I borrow it?

  • Abandoned

    J-ex-W, I'll get it to you when I'm done.

  • Confession

    Sounds like something for me to read too, Abandoned. At the same time, I'm suspicious of some of the things it's saying. I mean everything you wrote sounded good, but (unless I'm mistaken) the word "Atheist" very simply means "one who believes there is no God."

    I heard a cassette of one of M. Jaames Penton's talks in which he describes himself as a "god-believing agnostic." I identify with the term.

  • J-ex-W

    Right now it's not so much 'terms' I'm looking at; it's perspectives. Terms can come in later.

  • Abandoned
    "one who believes there is no God."

    I would recommend you check it out. It does a great job at defining terms, including one for God. It isn't so much about saying that there isn't any reason to show appreciation for all the magnificence around us but it does work at debunking the idea of there being a "personal" God. We don't need to have a "person" in mind or understand some "grand plan" for us to be enthralled by all that is around us. The history of religion with its pantheon of gods and saints and such, has only lead to fighting and pretty much losing sight of how amazing the universe is - not to mention outright burying of any evidence that goes against the specific beliefs and creeds of a particular religious system. For some reason, religions aren't good at adapting in the face of over-whelming evidence. Instead they get legalistic and tyrranical in defending their creeds which to an unbiased observer would appear to be simply the product of another person's imagination and wrong to boot.

    I think you'll be impressed.

  • Scully

    Dawkins' position is that, given the evidence, the existence of a supreme being is highly improbable. It doesn't make him any less appreciative of the life and beauty around us, though.

    I'm about half way through The God Delusion, and am thoroughly enjoying it.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Evidence and logic is why I like Richard Dawkins. As intelligent beings we should demand nothing less. If there is a god, he gave us the intelligence to examine and question our surroundings and come to our own conclusions. I don't think that if he did exist that he would be very pleased with people who bury there heads in tradition and don't exercise there natural cuiosity. Perhaps in the end it is science that will define God if there is one. It may not even be at all what we thought. Wouldn't it be better just to know, even if it hurts, so that we can all move along towards our collective destinies, and set our agendas accordingly. It seems that science is the only institution that is providing answers and solving problems. Atheism is not satanic, it is courageous and bold. It is saying that we don't need god to be decent because we have intelligence. It is saying that evil is not the product of satan but an ill in our flesh that may be adressed in the future as a destructive human urge that needs corection. If we learn that we have the ability to solve our own problems what purpose will god then have in our lives? If he chose to reveal himself then I suppose I could start some kind of relationship, but we are obviously not ready, or he is simply not there. Until then I will enjoy the splendor of this universe the best way I know how. Without religion!

  • Satanus

    Welcome to the fold, brother abandoned! Haha, just kidding. I find it funny how some christians think of nonbelievers as a monolithic herd, following in somebody's footsteps. This is so untrue. Most 'nonbelievers' find their own branch to perch on. They feel free to move to another branch, if they change their minds. Me, i'm not exactly an atheist, more pantheist, i guess. Anyhow, i'm glad that you are getting your mind sorted out.


  • streets76

    Abandoned, since you are enjoying The God Delusion, I would also recommend The End of Faith by Sam Harris.

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