I hate these political threads that turn to name calling fiascos.
What ever happened to honest discussion?
by DebSmithLopez 41 Replies latest jw friends
I hate these political threads that turn to name calling fiascos.
What ever happened to honest discussion?
Katrina was nasty in many ways. I'm sure that Deb feels that the pain that they felt in a freakin' blizzard was pretty nasty as well. I'm also pretty sure it was the biggest news in their town and they talked about it... a lot. They feel slighted as no one came to their aid. Understandable but not warranted, in my opinion.
Is it absurd to compare snow to a flood? I don't know, I have never been in a blizzard or a flood where nothing was in my control and i could have died. Northern Plains get a lot of snow. New Orleans has been under sea-level for some time and floods have been discussed for many years.
Guess what buddy, disasters happen in people's lives that are BEYOND their control. Do you think New Orleans residents are somehow responsible for what happened because they chose to live in New Orleans
Disasters do happen. No "one" is responsible. Prepare. Store food/water for blizzards. Don't re-build in a flood-prone areas.
Rush limbaugh would be the last person on earth to help people in need . This globalist society we live in gives billions away in foreign aid , so what's so friggen wrong with helping tax payers out? The sad part is they made FEMA part of the terror homeland security department so they couldn't get things done fast enough. Leave it to the very incompetant leadership we have now.
Where is this "deb" person, seems to me like "sinis" has taken over as her spokesperson. Maybe the same person?
While I can appreciate what many of the posters here had to say, the OP made a point. The issues faced are local and foreseeable. Local government is set in place to deal with most of the issues that our communities face-because they ARE local and 'foreseeable' consequences are most foreseeable by those who are 'seeing' them every day. Government HAS gotten too big when it is expected to prevent and or fix everything. The consequences of Katrina were above and beyond what most expected, but many locals knew exactly what could happen as regards the New Orleans area because of the lake there and the old systems in place for flood control. Very foreseeable, very local. OTOH, there needed to be some federal support to renovate the infrastructure there (as there is for highways ,bridges, dams everywhere). I am not sure what was attempted or neglected-but it didn't all happen (or NOT happen, as the case may be) in the last administration or two. This was a decades long neglect.
Edited to say: The local and state politicians have been elected by the PEOPLE of Louisiana. And if nothing was being done, the people should have gotten its act together and voted in people who would improve the area. The area is notorious for government corruption and its a shame. No one could put NO in a safer place though, and people kept choosing to move there. I am saying this and I live in a earthquake area and know the dangers of that. I also have made practical preparation for it, and doubt it will destroy my neighborhood completely.
I don't know if the comparison fits or not but I will agree with the spirit of it. Seems like many people believe that the government is here to bail one out. From the person who scammed FEMA to the CEO who wants the Feds to bail out his company - everyone is asking "Where's mine?"
When I read accounts of the Great Dust Bowl of the 1930's and how families packed up and left for California it gives me a little sad that we as Americans have lost this trait. Where did that spirit of self-preservation go??? Where did the spirit of self-sacrifice go?
I don't know if the comparison fits or not but I will agree with the spirit of it. Seems like people of believe that the government is there to bail one out.
So what are we paying taxes for? Just the hell of it? Or just to spend on military? That is lame the Government is suppose to use the money wisely and I'll be dammed if they can spend billions of $$$ to invade another country, and they can't help the poor in their own country when disaster ruins all that they have. Shit that is pathetic.
Where is this "deb" person, seems to me like "sinis" has taken over as her spokesperson. Maybe the same person?
I was wondering that myself. "Deb" claims to have forgotten her previous posting name as well. Yeah, right. "She" reminds me of some of the neocons who used to post here. Welcome back, whoever you really are. Oh, and I read and heard about the blizzard on all of the news outlets listed. If memory serves, the governors of both Illinois and Missouri were working on getting federal aid by declaring as many counties as possible to be disaster areas.
I agree with your post. I have seen first hand the attitude of some people to want government assistence. I know some times can be hard, but some people never did anything but ask for other people's money in the first place. Just because there is a disaster, does not mean the goverment owes you a free ride. Sometimes we need to fall, to learn to walk.
Emma is correct. The original post is taken from an email that started circulating in 2005. Later versions started up again last year with the name of the state changed from South Dakota to Michigan and people pulled it out again for the Denver blizzard.
Nice job, "Deb".