Why can't I have a beard?

by nonamegiven 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kwintestal

    The real question is why SHOULD you have a beard? 1000 word essay due one hour from now. GO!

    As for the reason why not ... because one day one guy was out in service with a big bushy beard, and that guy called on this door and someone said to the bearded one, "I don't want no part of no Hippy movement." and slammed the door. Now the bearded guy has to live with that someone's soul on his conscience his whole life because he could have accepted Jehovah into his life that day but the beard the bearded guy wore scared him off. True story. The Watch Tower told me. Don't believe me? Look it up, it's on the WT Library.


  • mavie

    Watchtower 1975 8/01 --

    Extreme hair styles can easily lead one into a trap of the Devil also, and cause others to stumble. For example, a young man in the United States was making fine progress in his study of the Bible, and he was moved to share with an experienced Witness in preaching to others about the good things he was learning from the Bible. From early youth he had let his beard grow, and since some in the business community wore beards, he felt that his wearing one in preaching to others would be acceptable generally. But in speaking to a lady he was unable to do more than introduce himself, when she said: "I’m sorry, young man, I do not want to become involved in student revolt." No amount of explanation after this sufficed to clear up the misimpression. After the conversation ended with the closing of the door, he asked the experienced Witness what had happened. He was invited to consider his appearance in relation to what he claimed to be, a servant of God. Not wanting to be responsible for even one person’s being stumbled so as to miss the way to everlasting life, this new Kingdom publisher shaved off his beard. Would you be willing to do the same or to make similar adjustments if your appearance gave the wrong impression in a certain community?

    What a load.

  • Terry

    For a statement to be true the opposite of that statement must also be true.

    All the TV evangelists who are clean shaven must actually be the best representation of God due to their lack of whiskers!

    The modern day founder of Jehovah's Witnesses, C.T.Russell had a white beard. Consequently, he couldn't possibly represent true religion and pure worship.

    What a corollary.

    As though the content of a man's character, the wisdom he reflects and the accuracy of his beliefs stand or fall by the natural growth of hair on his face and his choice of its length!!

    The Watchtower Society once published articles telling us that aluminum cookware was poisonous, that germs did not cause disease, that Louis Pasteur was a crackpot, that being inoculated against disease was a scam and that a black person could turn white through prayer.

    Should we listen to minds that embrace such pathetic balderdash? Should we follow their capricious policies and stand or fall by the measure of their judgement?

    I think not!!

  • cultswatter

    The neet thing about pubic hair is that it only gets so long. Facial hair is frowned upon because I guess you don't want an elder to look like a biker.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The REAL reason JW men don't wear beards:

    Rutherford made up the rule long before the hippie movement.

    When Russell was still alive many Bible Students that followed his teachings grew beards like Russell's. When Rutherford illegally connived to take over the WTS after Russell's death he wanted to erase all allegiance to Russell. (his illegal take-over resulted in a split of the society with Russell's followers going in one direction and the rewmaining ones following Rutherford)

    Anyways, during a trip to Germany the branch overseer asked Rutherford for a new printing press. Russell looked at the overseer's Russell-like beard and said he would give him the press if he shaved the beard off. Later the overseer showed up bare-faced and got his press.

    Since then few is any, men who want to move up in the org would try wearing a beard before getting a good talking to

    See Crisis of Conscience (p 59-63, 65-66, 104) and 30 years a Watchtower Slave (p. 51)

  • jwfacts

    Because Russell and Jesus had beards. And we all know what a source of embarrassment both of those to are to the Watchtower Society. They would much rather the religion had been started by Rutherford and the New Testament was never written.

  • juni

    because you're from Michigan and during the winter it gets cold and brothers with beards or mustaches get their snotzies and donut crumbs frozen in the hair and it don't look perty. You would stumble householders and every faithful brother and sister who follow all of the commands of the society including shaving and plucking every last hair from above their lip and chin.

    Next thing you'll want is a mullock!


  • nonamegiven

    oh man I'm going to hell for that one.

    well I can't send you to heel but I can edit


  • ButtLight

    I think all women should go on strike and quit shaving their legs and pits. Do you think the elders would take you in the backroom and demand you shave, or you will get df'ed? Reproved? Or maybe they just wont let ya up on stage for talks!

  • sir82
    Not wanting to be responsible for even one person’s being stumbled so as to miss the way to everlasting life, this new Kingdom publisher shaved off his beard.

    So, by that logic, shouldn't all JW men grow beards? Aren'y they offending Hasidic Jews & the Amish by shaving?

    My God, doesn't anybody think for more than 2 seconds in this organization? Reminds of goldfish, whose memory lasts something like 3 seconds, which is why they never get bored swimming around in those little bowls.

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