The greatest proof that the organization is not "clean" by its own definition, is this website!
Consider the number of people - elders included - who post here, thereby associating with "apostates" or expressing their own disbelief
in whatever nonsense the Watchtower is teaching. I marvel at the brave souls who keep us informed as to daily classes in Kingdom Ministry
School, as well as those who post confidential letters from the Society. This should tell you that the organization is infiltrated at all
levels with people who don't really believe in it, but are forced to comply for personal reasons.
And if that isn't enough...
It's also worth noting that various scandals emerge that suggest the participants were actively engaged in some form of immoral
conduct over long periods of time, without being exposed. Consider the exposure of child molesters. In general, one does
not take up such heinous behavior as a lark on a weekend - but rather must contend with such ugliness over many years.
I guess the angels who are supposed to keep this organization pure are goofing off.