Lurkers! Proof that the Organization is not "Clean"!

by metatron 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    The greatest proof that the organization is not "clean" by its own definition, is this website!

    Consider the number of people - elders included - who post here, thereby associating with "apostates" or expressing their own disbelief

    in whatever nonsense the Watchtower is teaching. I marvel at the brave souls who keep us informed as to daily classes in Kingdom Ministry

    School, as well as those who post confidential letters from the Society. This should tell you that the organization is infiltrated at all

    levels with people who don't really believe in it, but are forced to comply for personal reasons.

    And if that isn't enough...

    It's also worth noting that various scandals emerge that suggest the participants were actively engaged in some form of immoral

    conduct over long periods of time, without being exposed. Consider the exposure of child molesters. In general, one does

    not take up such heinous behavior as a lark on a weekend - but rather must contend with such ugliness over many years.

    I guess the angels who are supposed to keep this organization pure are goofing off.


  • Morocco

    angels -- rofl! ^_^ But seriously... you're just a silly apostate shmuck trying to smear the good name of the Glorious Ones who serve the GB. (BARF) :)

  • lurker

    The organization is definately not clean. As you say there are many even at high levels that do not really agree with the teachings of the GB. I have information that I positively can not disclose because it would almost surely expose me and I can't take that chance yet. But beleive me high ups are caught up in the life style and getting supported by the rank and file that absolutely do not agree with the Org. Please excuse me from not saying right now who I know but trust me they are there. On a lighter note thanks to all for your welcome perhaps one day I can let it all out.

  • geevee

    HI Lurker, you live up to your name!! 5 posts since may 05. Someone in the last two days has ben asking if someone high up in the structure could abuse the position and benefit personally from all the dollars that flow thick and fast into the society's coffers. It would seem on the surface that there are many checks and balances that would prevent this, but you are suggesting that this is not the case? I have read where Knorr used to have a first class ticket for his meeting bag, but this may go a bit deeper?

  • Arthur
    Please excuse me from not saying right now who I know but trust me they are there. On a lighter note thanks to all for your welcome perhaps one day I can let it all out.

    That's quite alright lurker - Welcome. Many of us posters who have been here a while still do not reveal our identities for the fear of being called into a JC meeting and disfellowshipped. It is quite fascinating that many Witnesses must secretly log onto websites under pseudonymes just to be able to openly and honestly discuss doctrine and policy. I have spoken to a few close friends about this website (non-JWs) and they are amazed that people must resort to these kinds of measures just to honestly discuss their feelings and observations about their religion.

    It is eerily similar to the Catholic church of the fourteenth century when church members had to meet together in secret cadres; just to be able to have open discussions about the Bible, and church policies.

  • Undecided

    This is true of all religions, there will be those who don't follow the line, after all it is a human institution. Remember in Paul's writtings where this brother was having relations with his fathers wife and was later forgiven? All religion is a farce if they say they are righteous as a group. There will always be those who are sinning according to their rules. Some are just not as controlling as others. I just try to be the best I can but sometimes have fallen and try to not repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

    Ken P.

  • lurker

    Makes it all seem so childish but when you get involved with a cult that holds your whole life in their hands it is tough. By the way I am not suggesting that any are directly profiting except that for many years they have relied on the witnesses for their support and now have nothing but that and can not give it up. Kind of similar to Ray Franz talking about the man who wrote the commentary on James book his name escapes me right now. He was thrown out of bethel with nothing after many years of faithful service with no other means of support at an elderly age.

  • Arthur
    Ray Franz talking about the man who wrote the commentary on James book his name escapes me right now. He was thrown out of bethel with nothing after many years of faithful service with no other means of support at an elderly age.

    His name was Ed Dunlap, and he was the Registrar of the Gilead School. Franz writes how Dunlap and his wife moved to Oklahoma City after they were DFd. Ed Dunlap received some help from a few family members who were also DFd for assisting him. Another brother was DFd for helping Ed get a teaching job at one of the local universities.

    Ed Dunlap was treated as if he was radioactive. It seemed that anybody who had any contact with him after his departure; got the axe.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Welcome Lurker,

    It was Ed Dunlap, who was teacher to many of us newboys at the House of Hurtfulness. Stories sent to me from an inactive JW re: former B'lites got me started. News of E.D. in CRISIS slayed my soul and confirmed my decision to NEVER GO BACK. A dear, deceased man's story clinched it for me - 25 years later! I realize now, given his and Ray and Cynthia's starting over out in the "world," that God watches out for the lowly one. Those three poor souls are my heros and giants compared to the contemptible WT officials who treated them and many others so horribly. The Society's calling the righteous one wicked condemns them to eternal damnation, IMHO! [Pro.17: 15]


    Edited to add: So sorry to forget Betty! - "Those FOUR poor souls are my heros......"

  • yesidid

    Just a bit of an update about Ed Dunlap's wife Betty.

    Apparently Ed struck a deal with the powers that be that Betty not be disfellowshipped.

    Though she was still shunned by witness ex friends and relatives.

    Up until recently she was still working to support herself (well into her seventies).

    A few months ago it was obvious that she needed help as she was starting to lose her sense of reality.

    So one of her nephews made the trip from Australia (her birthplace) and took her home to his place to look after her.

    And wouldn't you know, he is not a Witness but a part of wicked Christendom.

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