thanks again all. I decided to hold back, just gave her a hug, some freezer meals, and wished her well when she left.
Praise, you are right, they need to make their own mistakes and I've been bad about this with her, but have worked on
it the last year. So I will be stronger. And Scully, thanks for your words of encouragement; and the link to your paper.
I'll read it soon, kudos to you from just scanning it myself right now!
I agree procrastination is not always bad, but in this case...well, visiting My Space and Facebook composed most of
her time according to the history on My computer that she used all during break. I kind of doubt, after looking at fly lady,
that she'll get into that, but I WILL :o) If she was younger, or older, it would be fun for her, but I think she'd laugh at it right now.
FYI I did call her older sister, whom she admires and spent Xmas time with here, and asked her to email a positive hello
to her . (they are bad at keeping in touch, 7 yrs apart and several states away). But older sister understood my request to
just step up a little more communication and try to plant some seeds of direction based on her own experience. She has always been a take charge person, though, whereas little sister, B, has been a stop and smell the flowers as long as I need to kind...marching to her own drummer. Creative, expressive. A good thing, but if you want all there is life has to offer, you aren't going to get it by procrastinating as much as she does. Big sister will be and always has been a good influence; don't get me wrong, I am glad they are each their own person.
OK, enough said. Thank you all for your input, I'll watch for any other replies. This has been helpful.