Any Auto Mechanics here?

by sandy 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Purza

    When my O2 sensor went bad in my Honda, the part cost $200. This was from a mechanic I know and trust. I would call a few shops to see if you can find a better price.

    My friend has a Saturn and her O2 is out -- she is afraid to find out what the cost will be. Cause you just never know.

    Good look.


  • frozen one
    frozen one

    This may be a bit of a long shot. Did you (or the previous owner) extend the warranty when the car was purchased? If an extended warranty was bought it may have expired already, but sometimes it pays to look through the glove box for warranty documents.

  • zev
    Yeah, zev knows plenty about faulty MAFs if he's a VW guy :)

    i actually don't own a VW i own a Chevy Lumina. but i would by one if it wasn't a Passat, and newer that 2003. and i don't stock that many maf's. we just don't see allot of maf failures like some do i guess.

  • patient

    I own a couple of car dealerships and deal with these issues all the time - here is my best advice - first it is your MASS AIRFLOW METER that is bad - not anything to do with OXYGEN SENSORS - the Mass Airflow Meter works as part of the electronic fuel injection system and meters the air in relation to the petrol injected into the engine for combustion - it varies the amount of air flow at all times according to various conditions indicated by other sensors.

    Go to an online Auto Parts retailer - here is a link but the are many - search google "nissan parts new" to find them (order from one outside your state and save the sales tax!) - or similar - their price for your part is $266 - order the part then find some hany friend who has a screw driver set and have him install it - it will take ten minutes and cost you a six pack if that - easy job - then to reset the "Check Engine" light - discoonnect the negative battery cable for about 15 seconds and reconnect it - this will reset the computer and you will be all set - saves you $$$ and by installing a new part you will be assured of its operation - good luck

    Patient, Michigan

  • outoftheorg

    There is a chemical that comes in a spray can that is designed to clean the mass air flow sensor.

    I have seen it in the auto parts stores but I have never used it so I can't make a claim as to how it works.

    I think it was around $6.00.

    I would avoid buying used parts for this problem and would buy the sensor if the chemical did not work.

    It isn't too hard to gain access to it and some mechanically minded guy could do it.


  • sandy

    Thank you SOOO Much everyone for all the great advice.

  • nelly136

    last time i had a car that failed ommissions they told me my mix was wrong so i took it down the road whipped out the air filter then took it back half hour later for a retest. it passed.

    not a long term fix but it did the trick, and i dont know if it would work on a newer or usa car as a temporary measure if youre on a time limit to get the work done for the test.

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