The organization has over time began to be more strict. Mostly because their reasoning is that they think the worse the system gets, the more strict they have to be. And by bringing in more rules and regulations, they make the excuse that it is new light from god, so people should follow the guidelines. Now as time goes on, i think things will get even more strict.
For example, i think they will even go as far as banning people from using the internet. After all, the internet is a huge enemy to the society now days. And nothing good is said about the witnesses on it. Maybe if you go to the watchtower website, that's it. But it's so easy to access the watchtowers cover ups and lies on the internet. They'll probably just delete it's website and tell people not to use the net since it's a huge threat.
People will lose interest after a while i think, and realize it's just way too strict and mind controlling. But the cult will always have new members comming in, and new leaders changing things and making so called new light from god.
But as of now, their are more people leaving, then comming in. And i think that will get even worse for the jw's after a period of time, their will be a fade as time goes on. But i think the religion will never just fall. It will just change like it has changed since the early 50's, but for worse. And they will cover up shit up in the future like they did in the past.
Overall, i beleive they will get more strict (if thats even possible). And people will find it's just too hard to live by, and learn that it's not good for your mental health to stay in it. Just cause it's almost impossible for people to live up to it's strict rules. And i think it takes time for people to find out about their false prophecys and cover-ups.
I think their will be a population decrease in the future, and after a while, it will be known even to it's members how full of crap it is. But the organization will never fall, if anything, it will change and de-populate.