Post "Sayings" that JW's don't say

by JH 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose


    What's wrong with bulletin board?

  • bigmouth

    "What's wrong with bulletin board?"

    This is a word that comes up frequently amongst bros in the US. 'Notice board' is preferred.
    I think the etymology of 'bulletin' has something to do with a religious 'bull' or 'edict'.

  • plmkrzy

    I never heard the "pot-luck" one since our cong used to have many many many potluck get-togethers. I can see how that would be the case though these days due to the word luck.

    "Have a blessesd day" is something said quite a lot around these parts but you would never hear it from a jw.

  • BabaYaga

    "Bless you!" (also like the gesundheit)

    "Gosh!" (I was once told by a dear Witness that this was "an unacceptable euphemism")

    "It's okay, Honey, I forgive you and I know that Jehovah has forgiven you already."

    "Anybody have a lighter?"

    "Congratulations on getting your degree!"

    "There is nothing my precious family could do that would make me turn my back on them."

    "Well, I think I'm almost ready for Christmas!"

    "You know, investments in our 401-k are doing pretty good."

  • Justice-One

    Who did you vote for?

  • Honesty

    I have two tickets to the Thursday night Basketball game, do ya wanna miss the TMS and Service Meeting?

  • Scully

    I got into trouble once for saying Gesundheit to someone when they sneezed. It actually means "Good health", and I happened to know that there was a German Bible in the back room of the KH, so I looked up Acts 15:28, 29 and showed them that the word Gesundheit appeared there. The person looked as though they had soiled themselves.

  • ValiantBoy

    "I must have been mistaken"

    Knew a pio sister who said "Awesome" could only be used in reference to Jehovah.

  • becca1

    Valiant one: I heard that at a circuit assembly years ago. I don't remember who said it, but it was said.

  • becca1

    I once heard a visiting speaker give a public talk in which he said we should not say "shoo" or "shoo fly". He said Shoo was an ancient god (I don't remember of what culture). I remember thinking how ridiculous that was and how far this man had gone to find something new to ban.

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