No way. "The truth" it is not.
Do you still call it "the truth"?
by True North 41 Replies latest jw friends
I slip up ever now and again, and it really bothers me when I do.
Mostly I refer to it as the religion or the Lie when I speak with other ex dubs.
rolling rock
I like to call it "WBTS" whenever I'm dealing with dubs. It makes them think...
No. I made an effort to eliminate that term from my vocabulary early after I left. Even when talking to jws, I'll use the term, "the Organization", or in a more negative connotation, "the Watchtower", (they hate that).
I use to have to conscienciously think about not saying it, but now I never use that term unless I use the " " when talking to someone who refers to it as such. To me the truth is God's Word. Period!!!
I'm pretty anal about it. I will never use that term again, knowingly.
I call it the WTS/FDS/GB.
Some have learned to call it "the lie" instead.
Depending on who I am talking to, I might say "when I went to meetings" type thing. Or referring to someone else, I say "they are JW's."
I don't wish to get hung up on semantics either, but I believe in the power of the subconscious mind; I don't want to refer truth at all to anything WTBS. I'm done.
Samuel Thorsen
I use the term "watchtowerism" when I talk to friends still inside the org . Or when I'm writing I use "The truth(tm)"* vs "the truth" to make my point clear. Needless to say, I do not have many JW friends left.
* Can anyone teach me how to make the trademark symbol om the forum please??
No, I never use that term and JW's seldom use that term when talking to nonwitnesses. It's a good thing, as they would get hammered for saying that in front of informed people.