I personally know of a ( elder) freind that did not stay in the reccomended hotel because his wife did not want to and they put him on restrictions for a few months, he could not give any parts or public talks even though he was not removed as an elder and was told to bring his wife in subjection. ( Just like a dog)
Convention Hotels
by Billzfan23 18 Replies latest jw friends
I actually have this problem right now. Our foreign language District convention is a short airplane ride away.
It's in a very expensive area of the country. We do not want to rent a car in this area, as you often have
to pay to park and car rental is high. We want to be near public transportation.The hotels on the list that are near public transport are (of course) booked for the JW rates. The other hotels
are in places where we would need to rent a car. I tried booking thru a reservation clerk on the phone who
searched the entire area, but came up with no JW rates. I booked at a hotel across the street from the JW rates
hotel, they share the same free shuttle to public transportation. Our nightly rate is a little higher than the
JW rate, but worth it. I thought I should inform the wife what I did, because she will eventually know that other
JW's are not staying at our hotel. She requested that I cancel the reservation, she doesn't want to be
disobedient.Now, I refuse to book way out in Timbuktu, so I will reserve a room in the JW hotels, but not at the JW rate, then
I will just refuse to tell the wife. End of Story. -
OTWO...there's an easier solution...just don't go.
Anyone remember the great parking scam? We had to buy parking passes from the Society weeks in advance so we could park in the parking lot at the convention site.
What was interesting to me at the time was that if someone was just an interested person and didn't have a parking pass, they could still park and it was "suggested" that we get them to buy parking passes for the remainder of the days. I immediately thought, well how can they get in without the pass? I figured out that you didn't "need" the pass, they were relying on our obedience to fork over the dough for the pass.
I only bought passes one year that they did that. When I saw that the attendents weren't paying any attention to them as we pulled in, I stopped buying them. Then the convention site moved to a city near where I lived and I knew that coliseum parking lot like the back of my hand. I knew a back way in that was for delivery trucks. After that parking was a breeze in and out and up close to a side door.
It wasn't until years later that I learned of the Tacoma parking scandal that hit the newspapers out there.
I wouldn't think that parking was a problem in Morocco.
OTWO...there's an easier solution...just don't go.
I may not actually go in, but I will accompany the wife and stay in the area with her.
It is still nice to get away. She would have to get a room anyway, so I am only out
on one person's airfare (about $150) to go with her even if I don't attend. If she roomed
with another JW, there would be the negative influence of the roommate. Better I fork
over some dough than hook her up with a "spiritual pioneer" that could share the room. -
These talks are assigned by the Teaching Committee in Brooklyn. The speakers are recommended by a committee of
elders and Circuit Overseers to the Branch. Once recommended and accepted, you become an "approved speaker"
Your first talk is usually on Friday. If you don't screw up, your next Convention Talk will be on a Saturday. If you are really good, you may get the Public Talk
on Sunday. These are not necessarily reserved for the Bethel Speakers. The Bethel Speakers usually give the talks that lay down
the newest thinking/instructions from the FDS. You know the ones: anti-college, Beware The Voice of Strangers, Don't Have a
Complaining Spirit, DO MORE YOO UNGRATEFUL MOB, WE ARE THE FDS, GOTTA PROBLEM??? You get the picture. That way
no local yokel can say "Brother so and so said this and that at THEE CONVENTION" No, what you hear will not come from Brother so and so in your local cong.,
but by the BETHEL SPEAKER, sent by the FDS, and therefore what you hear is from GOD ALMIGHTY!
The monitoring of the speakers is done by guys assigned from the Chairman Office. EVERYONE gets monitored, CO's, DO's
alike. The instruction is to show no quarter to anyone. If you screw up, space out, forget something, go overtime, say ANYTHING
the least bit controversial (something humurous, an experience that hasn't been vhetted, etc) and zey vill poot it in zee reeport!
So, speakers don't get canned BEFORE their talks, only AFTER their talks!
We stopped staying at them when mum realised that they were charging higher rates for the JWs than standard travellers. Kid you not. This was in Sydney.
I remember the tickets you could buy for food.
Waaay back when they had home cooked meals and an entire food department for soup, hotdogs and the sort. Each congregation was responsible for making sweets and sandwiches that were wrapped up and sold.
My dad scoffed and said if we wanted food, we'd make our own. The food department was eventually done away with, not because of legal liability naturally, but because the brothers were missing so much spiritual food from the prep work.
Such a loving arrangement.
(Oh, and you couldn't turn the tickets back in for cash at the end of the assembly) -
I wouldn't think that parking was a problem in Morocco.
Actually, it's worse. Ever since the occupation the damn Nazis have taken all the good spaces with their Reichmobiles. It's enough to make an expatriate American sell his cafe and join the revolution.
For years we always stayed "off the list" because the rooms did not provide a fridge. I feel for the familes who have to pack everything in an ice chest and try to make lunches in a hotel room. We now stay on the list but travel farther because the rooms have a mini -kitchen.
I personally think it is crazy to tell us where to stay and have even looked up the room rates and find 80% of the rooms you are only saving around $10 per room/night.