I've been online for about an hour tonight and Norton has warned of four computer attacks. Yesterday Norton popped at least 6 times. In the past I have gone for weeks without any warnings of attack. Is anyone else noticing more hack attempts the last couple of days?
Computer under attack
by frozen one 7 Replies latest jw friends
Yes very much, my computer has been very slow in the last 5 or six day
Yes, I had one last week and another one about 3 weeks before that. I also have Norton and it stopped both attacks.
Hi frozen, I had a big problem a few weeks back. I downloaded avast antivirus software (free) and ran it. That took care of the problem.
Can anyone recommend a good anti-spyware program?
I have a message saying my computer is infected with spyware.
I looked at Best Buy for one but didn't know which one to get..I heard there are free ones on the computer but when I tried one it downloaded and then said there was a charge to get rid of the spy!
Snoozy..my computer is also going slow but only on this site..
Sad emo
Snoozy, I have a combination:
I have Spybot Search & Destroy. You can set this to automatically block a large amount of adware/spyware.
I also have Adaware SE - the free download edition (don't click on free trial or it will ask for details!) - a few months ago, this found a 'nasty' which Norton had completely missed. The downside is that this program doesn't offer any blocking - you need to run regular scans and it will remove what it finds.
Also neither of these will update automatically, but all you have to do is click the 'check for updates' option so not a big hassle.
An instant solution to a lot of spyware is to regularly go to 'internet options', delete all your temporary internet files. Then click 'settings' and 'view files' - you'll now have a list of just cookies and can delete the ones which obviously aren't connected to any websites you visit (eg, if you have your JWD logon set to save your password, there will be a cookie there called jehovahs-witness - so leave that one!). The most common spyware cookies that appear on mine are 2o7, tribalfusion and euroclick.
We have had so many problems with spyware lately. Things keep popping up all over the place for downloading clean up software for free, but we're not sure if they're genuine or whether clicking ok will infect our computer even more.
Sad emo
Bubble - Don't click on any popups!!!!!!!!
You're guessing right - its usually spyware.