If the rapture ever did happened, and you were left behind. What do you think your reaction would be, and what do you think teh Watchtower reaction be?
If you were a JW or for you JW Lurkers who will never leave.....
by A-Team 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good Girl or Bad Girl?
if the "rapture" occurred, you wouldn't know if you were left behind,would you? JW's teach that when you die you die. And don't you mean, by "rapture" Armageddon or am I confusing teachings?
so my reaction would be nothing/nada/nil. I'd be dead.
i think.
No, the Rapture is not Armageddon. The rapture is when all Christians living at the time Jesus comes are taken up to be with him. All others will be left behind (Hence the book series "Left Behind"). In order to be raptured you must be saved (this means accepting Jesus Christ as your savior) Armageddon will happen after the great tribulation. Some people who believe in the rapture think it will occur just prior to the great tribuilation, others think it will happen in the middle of it and still others at the end. Most people think it will happen prior to it. I have studied the scriptures about this and read several different books on the various teachings. I honestly think it will happen prior to the great tribulation.
Also add this:
Many believe that all childeren will be raptured. Also, not all Christians will be raptured for one reason or another. Just because you are a Christian, dosen't mean you will definally be raptured.
A-team..JW`s don`t believe in The Rapture...OUTLAW
Outlaw, I know. Im asking a hypothetical. Just because they don't believe dosen't mean it wont/cant happen. Im asking what if it does happen, what would the reaction be.
A-Team..Thats cool..I didn`t know if you knew or not...OUTLAW
I would hope that they would wake up and smell the coffee if they weren't raptured. I'm not sure whether they will be raptured or not. They really don't accept Jesus as they savior. They kind of do in a round about way. I would like to think that some of them will be but I don't know. Some of them are really sincere people and really want to do whats right. I will live it in the Lords hands and I know he will do the right thing.
WTBTS would have to come up with some "New Light" really fast!
Oh, they'd probably come out with some perverse twist of scripture proving that only the evil people go to heaven.....
And as for me, I would understand god not wanting to take me with. I wouldn't want to save someone giving me the finger either...