Do CO's discuss inactive publishers?

by Inquisitor 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fangorn

    sir82 has it exactly right, word for word. I do know of one COs wife that always solicited a list of those that had become inactive and then made it her personal business to go around and harangue them about becoming active again. She especially seemed to enjoy contacting them at work, she was something else.

  • Quandry


    Yes, that was first class drama. I know I should no longer be shocked by things that happen or are said from the platform, but this takes the cake!!!

    The man promised to visit, then had the nerve to insinuate to the entire congregation that it was your fault that he did not.

    Plus, how dare he talk about "private matters" in front of many who must have known who he was referring to.


  • Inquisitor
    Plus, how dare he talk about "private matters" in front of many who must have known who he was referring to. SHEEESH!!!!! - Quandry

    My thoughts exactly. Definitely crossed the line there.

    This organization is not about retention. It's about recruitment. I think it's because most elders know, deep in their hearts, that once someone who knows what they know takes a walk, there is little they can do to get that one back. - willyloman

    Very astute, willyloman. When my book study overseer paid me a visit after having been MIA for quite a while, he employed questions that, unbeknownst to me then, were meant to determine how much of a "deviant" I've become. He used the "Do you still believe that this is God's organization?". And he had a good hard look at every title on my book shelf.

    They were set out to work out what sort of a threat I was before thinking of "saving" me.


  • willyloman
    willyloman work out what sort of a threat I was before thinking of "saving" me. - INQ


  • Paisley


    I think it's because most elders know, deep in their hearts, that once someone who knows what they know takes a walk, there is little they can do to get that one back.

    I like that. You bet! :)

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