Hi Randy,
Excellent topic, I can see many of these characteristics in my mom. I have a few questions though, and I was hoping to get your input.
Rutherford certainly had antisocial personality disorder. However, did he turn the Watchtower into a cult, or was it already a cult under Charles Russell? If not, was Rutherford himself responsible for turning the WTS into a cult?
Since I'm trying to be optimistic, I'm guessing that after Russell died, the organization would have died also had it not been for Rutherford. Many, if not all of their characteristics today did not exist during Russell's time. They still celebrated holidays, and they were not called Jehovah Witnesses. As World War One drew to a close, maybe Russell's followers would have dispersed or moved on to other things in light of his failed prophicies?
If Russell truly believed he was right, than Rutherford exploited the devotion of his followers to suit his own selfish desires. At best, I feel pity for Russell, for his organization became corrupt and anti-christian after his death, even more so than when he was alive.
Also, why is it so many cults pretend that by joining them you can get closer to God, when in fact the exact opposite is true? Doesn't the term "Jehovah's Witnesses" imply a direct communion with God, yet everything about their beliefs serves to remove them from a relationship with God or Jesus?
Just a few ideas...