Congratulations!! How exciting for you all!! When I was recentley preggo I found some boards on WEB-MD that were great for support. I didn't really need to get a bunch of books this time, just looked things up on the net. I am happy for you!
by Jez 45 Replies latest jw friends
Nic: 3 months
Congratulations Jez and husband!
A lot of women are having babies in their 30's and 40's. And just think-- you have built in babysitters now.
Best wishes to you and your family,
Enjoy the msg boards!
You are an ole pro. Everything will be just fine. People start over (with kids) all the time!! Enjoy every minute of it!!!
Congratulations! Thats awesome!
I am personally due in 5 weeks, so excited. I too have two children from a previous marriage, Haley who is going to be 10 in April and Dylan who is going to be 8 in March. This is my current husbands 1st also, and he is just so very cute about the whole thing. I am 32 and he is 35, we always said we would have a least one together. One of my best friends is 37 and she just had a baby girl, they watched her more closely because she was over 35 but all went well and she has a beautiful baby girl named Ava.
Again, congrats to you and your husband.
Congratulations! That is wonderful, you will have plenty of helpers and you already have mommy experience!
We share the same story. I have 3 girls: 12, 11 & 9 years old. Hubby always wanted to try for a boy. I was so done with having babies I can't even tell you!
When I found out I was pregnant I cried and cried and cried. I knew God was responsible for this little creation but I was afraid because of my age (I was 36) , didn't want to start all over again and life was changing all over again. Not happy.
Everyone told me that it was going to be okay and they were really supportive and listened to my fears and my tears.
All I could say is that this baby BOY was the biggest blessing to our family. I had to go through many heart changes and believe me, it was tough. But the miracle of his addition to our family and brought so much joy to our lives and my children absolutely adore him.
Your pregnancy may be different because you are a bit more mature than you were when you had your other children. But, you ARE more mature and that in an of itself is so wonderful. More patience, more wisdom, it's awesome.
Blessings to you and keep me posted. I would love to be a support to you during this time as I truly know the roller coaster ride of an unexpected pregnancy!