I was talking to a friend and he said the CO (i think) was coming down this saturday for some special talk at 3 PM. I don't ever recall special talks on a saturday, or as late as 3 pm -- what could it be? Unless I misunderstood that it was the CO, maybe it was someone else. But he definately said saturday at 3, and it was a special visit or special talk. He is a pioneer but not a MS... hm... whats up with that?
Special Talk on Saturday @ 3PM?
by Morocco 11 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe they rearranged their meeting days/time . . . They usually do when the CO is in town.
Could be a Bethel speaker coming in, rather than the CO. Some congregations invite a speaker from Bethel for a weekend, he usually gives a talk on saturday afternoon, plus the public talk the following sunday.
Depending on how well connected the requesting congregation is, you can sometimes get someone pretty high up in the org.
They sometimes have the pioneer meeting during the CO's visit on Saturday afternoon, don't they? Or is it a weekday afternoon?
Special talks are as boreing as the regular talks and about as informative..It will be the same old crap,with a cherry on it..Crap with a Cherry on it,isn`t that special!..LOL!!...OUTLAW
that's it sir82, it was a bethel speaker. I just don't remember a speaker from Bethel ever coming in my 18 years as a dub. Shows how much I payed attention! What is the deal, what would they be talking about? Is the Bethel speaker there to say something unusually important or is it all the regular droning on about boring stuff?
rofl -- outlaw
Several years ago there was a Bethel speaker here for the Memorial. Both of the congregations in town rented space at the local community college for it so they would have room to attend together. Afterward, everyone was saying it was the best Memorial talk they had ever heard and I was thinking "What???" I was not particularly impressed at all and did not think it was anything special.
What is the deal, what would they be talking about?
Maybe he will tell everybody that these are the last days and urgent times.
Nothing special about his talk, it could be just another outline you heard 150 times and then they try to give a few experiences on how many are flocking to the religion and of course to stay faithful because we are living in the last seconds of this system of things.
Then he goes to the best restaurant in town, picks up a few hundred dollars from the friends in donation so that next summer he can fly to an exotic place with his wife while the rest are busting their coglionis working.