I was just reading the convention thread..The WBT$ tells Jehovah`s Witness`s which hotels they can and cannot stay in..I`ve been out a long time,so this is news to me..WBT$ continues to expand thier control over Jehovah`s Witness`s..Jehovah`s Witness`s continue to give up more and more of thier personal freedom to a Publishing Company.This has continued for as long as I can remember..Make no mistake,WBT$ will come up with many more rules for Jehovah`s Witness`s to follow...What new Moronic Rules do you see the WBT$ imposeing on Jehovah`s Witness`s?...OUTLAW
In the Future the WBT$ will be making New Rules!
by OUTLAW 31 Replies latest jw friends
Rule 1: Even if you think we're wrong, we're right.
Rule 2: See Rule 1.
Wow OUTLAW you have been out of the Watchtower a long time! They've had the hotel list for years. Perhaps since the late 1980s around here. The last convention I went to, they told us what hotels we could stay at, where we could park once we got there and how far up we could set. The last ten or so rows along the top was roped off. JWs have been told not to save seats for anyone not in their car. They've been told to not go walking around during the talks. They've even been told to avoid going to the bathroom excessively during the talks. I'm surprised they don't come up with recommended restaurant lists too.
I'm surprised they don't come up with recommended restaurant lists too.
Just don't forget to wear your lapel card when eating at the restaurant. Did anyone actually DO this???
I remember 'Watchtower booking' for assemblies in the 60s and 70s. In the 70s, they said jws should not use hotels not listed because if jws went to ot her hotels, the innkeepers would not be motivated to reduce their rates to be on 'the list'.
Here's some rules I actually see.
Don't use the internet without our protective software.
We've stopped you from wearing slogans on T-shirts to clean the Assembly Hall.
Now stop wearing them entirely, while you are at it, shun name-brands to save
money and donate the difference.Don't go to college (oops, did that already)
If you will buy a new car, check with the elders to see if it's a good "service" car.
Check with the elders before you take a vacation- better yet, save all your
vacation for WTS-related stuff.Every MS and Elder and Pioneer must serve in unassigned territory once every
five years. -
Just don't forget to wear your lapel card when eating at the restaurant. Did anyone actually DO this???
Never did, always embarassed to wear that silly thing after the convention while you are eating.
Also the pressure that while you are eating and drinking with your friends , don't forget to witness at restaurant, at Kmart, at hotels and of course while you are taking a leak.
compound complex
All right sspo,
Since you brought it up -- is there a rule re: time spent in the restroom? I have bashful kidneys and the hour agony per restroom visit was the major reason I stopped going to the DC. No matter the infinite queue of sisters awaiting their turn to temper my perspective. It was either implode or explode.
Do any brothers stop going to conventions over matters of belief?
CoCo Contained
Don't forget...
Don't fall asleep.
I'm surprised they don't come up with recommended restaurant lists too.
Just don't forget to wear your lapel card when eating at the restaurant. Did anyone actually DO this???
I used to on occassion.
Also, another restaurant rule: Don't go to one at the session lunch break. Bring your lunch so you can enjoy the spiritual environment. Also, so you don't stray too far off site and not come back. Or, spend all your contribution money on restuarant food.