Primarily, its message is addressed to anointed Christians, whom Jesus has bought with his blood to become corulers with him in the new heavens. (Revelation 5:9, 10) Nevertheless, this good news will also fortify the faith of those millions who look forward to everlasting life under Christ’s Kingdom. Are you one of these?
Here's another reference that alludes to something I have recently discovered...only the 144,000 are considred Christians. The average non-anointed JW is not a Christian.
The WTS throws the word "Christian" around a lot but if you look carefully you can see that they almost always use it to reference the 144,000 or their remnant. When lumping both the "little flock" and "great crowd" together they'll refer to them as "true Christians and their companions" or something similar and when speaking of just the "great crowd" they're called "true followers", "Jehovah's faithful followers" or something similar. Other times when they use the word "Christian" it might seem to include all members but if you read between the lines you can see that there is a seperation that is not obvious to those who don't understand the doctrine...and this includes the average JW.
I too always thought that all JWs were Christians because we(back when I was still in) followed(supposedly) the teachings of Christ, but since the "Christian Congregation" is made up only of the 144,000 and since Jesus is mediator only for them, that leaves the rest of the non-anointed out in the cold. If one is not a member of the Christian congregation, how can one be a Christian?