JH, that is the number one question people have who are either fading, having trouble spiritually ( for whatever reason ) or have become spiritually weak due to problems. Many, if not all go through that from time to time, even myself have gotten weak. Like you, I asked the same questions, WHERE ARE THE FRIENDS? As an avid student of the Bible I know that friends are supposed to stick closer than brothers according to the scriptures.
There exist companions disposed to break one another to pieces, but there exists a friend sticking closer than a brother.Proverbs 18:24
A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress. Proverbs 17:17
Personally, I have been through that alot over the course of my service to God. I even on many occasions had to remind the friends of how a TRUE brother or sister should act, but I thought to myself, If I have to remind them how they need to act so that I can get help, I'm just wasting my time. The harsh reality of it all is that within Jehovah's Org there are many who CLAIM to be servants but are not, want to help but do not know how and some just don't give a care! There are some,the minority,who do care though. ( No different from the situation in ancient times ) So what do we do? Give up? No, we PERSEVERE! Personally, knowing I cannot rely on the brothers there is only one place left to turn, no, not to the world, but to Jehovah through Jesus.
Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; And those who are crushed in spirit he saves. Proverbs 34:18
As for me, to God I shall call out;And Jehovah himself will save me. Psalms 55:16
I guess what I'm trying to say is, people are like that because that is just the way it is and because of that harsh reality we need to persevere and rely on the one person who is always there.