This book caught my eye. Is it any good? My main goal is get aquainted with JW past and then read some of the writings of Russell and Rutherford.
Captives of a Concept , by Don Cameron, Book review please.
by icocer 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
Nathan Natas
Yes, it is quite good.
Go to and do a search on "jehovah," and you'll find it and several others you may like.
icocer, I give it a huge thumbs-up. I purchased the e-book format. I consider it the most concise-yet-complete work yet on why the WTS isn't what it claims to be.
See my report here.
I recommend the book very highly. It put into words the path the brain uses to rationalize loyalty to the Watch Tower Society. -
A labour of love.
definitely reccommend it.
Thank you very much everyone.
Excellent book and easy to read quickly.
ARGG! I left my wallet at home. Consider it bought. I now have a JW and his brother an ex-bethelite working along side me.
That book sounds like very good reading. I believe I'll get it today, and thanks for the tip you all.
IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM is a huge book with deep concepts. Great book.
CAPTIVES OF A CONCEPT gets right to the point about the mistake that every single
JW has made, and how to see that mistake. Easier book to free the mind and perhaps
start helping other family members or friends that would listen.I downloaded from, but anyway you get this book, it will be great reading.
Garybuss' recommendation was good enough for me. I am thrilled with this book.