How would somebody argue the jw doctrine that a divorced person cannot remarry a jw unless "scripturally" divorced..ive looked through the Bible scriptures on this and find it hard to argue the jw interpretation although I would be really grateful for any arguments against the jw interpretation on this that could hold water!!!
by luffy 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The first question comes to my mind is . . . why would anybody want to marry a Jehovah's Witness?
That person would be a good candidate for a frontal lobotomy.
In the United States, any single or legally divorced person can marry any other legally old enough single or legally divorced person of the opposite sex. -
I'm with Gary on this one - who the heck cares? If a person's divorced they can marry anyone they want. The ridiculous levels of 'worthiness' that the WT puts on people is insane and if someone wants to play by those rules I guess they can swallow a prozac, be happy and join the fray. Quite frankly - all this crud about someone being 'able' to do this or that according to what the WT says is just that - something to be flushed down the loo. After all - how many people sitting in those same seats at the KH - that beautiful bastion of cleanliness according to the WT - do in fact act in the same manner as all the worldy people they accuse of being swine? The answer is all - they are all human. I can only guess that if God is in fact up there and watching all this, he is either laughing his butt off or shaking his head in disbelief at the foollishness of it all. I'm not feeling overly generous toward the society at this moment - not that they deserve my generosity anyway..but there it is. sammieswife.
Gary Buss said:
The first question comes to my mind is . . . why would anybody want to marry a Jehovah's Witness?
That person would be a good candidate for a frontal lobotomy.
In the United States, any single or legally divorced person can marry any other legally old enough single or legally divorced person of the opposite sex.Gary I love your humor. You're right on with this one.
I'm with Gary, also. I can understand faders living under a WT microscope, trying
to live by the rules while not getting DF'ed, but I could not understand why such a
person would want to marry a JW while doing so.I also cannot understand how anyone not living according to the rules would want
to know the answer according to the rules.Lastly, anyone who believes the rules are correct would not try to get around them.
Okay, we were harsh. Give more details.
Onthewayout - I do agree with you on the fading and can comprehend the whys and wherefores of those issues but only if someone is a witness and choosing to remain one would they care? Perhaps this is the case here, but then it begs the question of what they are doing here and more importantly, asking a question they would know the answer to? Perhaps the poster will enlighten us. sammieswife.
I posted my story here a while back and I guess at this point am just looking for questions to answers I have and trying to come to terms with what is about to be one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do..through reading through postings on this site and many stories I have come to realise that through different circumstances many like myself have been hurt either directly or indirectly by this cult/religion or whatever you may want to call it..Gary..I read your story and was deeply have my admiration and if it brings you any vindication it is largely due to your story that I have decided that I would rather give up the love of my life to the Watchtower than become another feather in their sick cap.
I was unhappily married and met a person who over two years I fell in love with deeply, he gave me the strength I needed to end my marriage and told me we could not continue our relationship unless I divorced and paved the way for us to marry. during my divorce proceedings this man announced that he had met a jw in a store and had i heard of them. I told him I had and if he persued it I was gone. He told me he was just interested in learning and I stupidly believed him even though I was aware of the whole brainwashing recruitment set up applied by jws. To cut a long story short, the same week my divorce became final he announced he was getting baptised which he has since done. He began by telling me he would marry me anyway, that it was his conscience with jehovah that was important and not the Watchtower rules..that soon changed when he announced the scriptures said he could only marry in the I would have to convert..and changed further when I pointed out that according to the jws it was not proven that i was scripturally divorced. I was so bessoted by him that i was prepared to loo into converting..that was until i realised he would not be "allowed" to marry me anyway.
I told him I would have a bible study after christmas and then either convert or leave and allow him to find his "sister perfection"..I am now at the point where i feel i have no need for a bible study as there is nothing on this planet that will justify their crazy doctrines as far as im concerned, but faced with the prospect of having to allow him to move on, and in the process break my heart, i feel i need to know and try to understand as much of this jw carry on as i can in order to be able to move on.
I hope you guys can now understand where im coming not crazy or stupid, just another victim of this twisted, manipulating organisation.
sry for the tyops!!!..shoulda read answers to questions!!!....and "look" not "loo!!!"
geeez...typos even!!!!..see what even talking about this does to my brain lolol