Snow .................again.

by Mulan 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    We had a dusting of snow this morning and school was cancelled-even I, the snow wuss, wouldn't have cancelled it today. And I keep hearing about everyone else getting snow-but the skies are clear here in Pierce County. It is COLD though, and starting to get icy. The snow never melted from this morning all the way. . .

    Whoever said that we are weird about snow in Seattle. I agree. When I lived in NYC, we managed to get to school work and shopping reg. w/o acting like every flake was a natural disaster. And there was a LOT more of it. Here, we are just kind of pathetic (now, kind of pathetically happy to get snow 2x in one season!!! Its nothing we take for granted. Good season for my DD to take drivers ed, huh? And my son just bought a transam. . .oy vey.

  • blondie

    No snow here since a couple of inches in November. More importantly the latest the lakes are frozen over is 1/30 and none of the lakes are frozen over even the smallest.

    The Great Lakes are down by 2" which means that the ships have to take smaller loads or get stuck in the harbors.

    No snow AND no rain means a drought is pending for this spring and summer.

    Traditional winter festivals are having a hard time with no snow and no ice.


  • free2beme

    Were getting a lot of snow here supposely in the next couple days, suppose to get real cold too. I like snow, on the weekends, during the week it is hard driving.

  • caligirl

    The news here in San Diego just said that elevations as low as 900' will likely see snow. It has been unusually cold here this winter.

  • JWdaughter

    I am anxiously awaiting global warming. . .when is that heat wave starting anyway?? I am cold!!!

  • vitty

    It snowed here last night, not a lot though. Its usually here by December, so its late, im not sorry

  • Mulan

    It looks like it snowed a lot all night. We got about 2-3 inches. So pretty. The skies are clear now and it's really cold, below freezing.

    I haven't heard a school report but they are probably closed today.

    I think the reason things slow to almost a stop here, when it snows, is because there are very few snow plows, not enough trucks to sand the roads, and the State or City governments are cheap, and they don't want to spend the money to de-ice the roads, buy snow plows and more sanding trucks. We really don't usually get enough snow to justify spending that kind of money.....................yet.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think the reason things slow to almost a stop here, when it snows, is because there are very few snow plows, not enough trucks to sand the roads, and the State or City governments are cheap, and they don't want to spend the money to de-ice the roads, buy snow plows and more sanding trucks. We really don't usually get enough snow to justify spending that kind of money.....................yet.

    I think you're right about that, but I doubt it will change. Snow removal equipment is expensive, and if it sits around doing nothing for 360 days a year, it is still depreciating. It's hard to justify such a purchase from an economic perspective.

    The other reason things slow almost to a stop here when it snows is that Western Washington is a land of hills and rolling glacial moraines. Glaze those gentle rolling slopes with a bit of ice and they become very challenging.

    Picture the hills of San Francisco with black ice on them. In some areas it is just like that.

  • Makena1

    Hi Mulan!
    I saw some emails from my company in Seattle floating around, reviewing the company policy on making it to work on snow days. (Basically, unless its a total disaster, we want you to come in - even if it takes hours to get there. Otherwise, the day is deducted from your sick or vacation days)

    I miss those snow days in Seattle. As you know, the house we used to live in had this very steep driveway. Unless we thought ahead and parked the cars at the top of the driveway - we usually could not make it out.

    No snow here of course - but we have had several overcast days and a little rain.

    Thanks for your cards - we miss you folks too!

    Will write more later.

    Makena and Sabine

    PS - here is a picture of our "babies" from xmas time. Getting them to hold still long enough was quite a feat!

  • JeffT

    Last night was the commute from hell. 4 1/2 hrs to go about 15 miles (1st Hill to Juanita for those familiar with the Seattle area). I got off the bus in downtown Kirkland and walked the last couple of miles because it was faster. Not even thinking about going anywhere this morning.

    Looks like a Christmas card outside with snow all over.

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