Green Urban Legend

by james_woods 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • wozadummy


  • abbagail

    Jaraczic Park - LOL! That is too funny. I wonder how those are selling?


    My old green Bible. I loved it dearly because it was my first Bible ever in my life, given to me by a workmate in 1977 (age 25). I thought it was "cool" to have a Bible in an "unconventional" color. And since all their books were bright and colorful (for the most part), I just figured God loved COLOR COLOR COLOR (like the very old NBC commercials with the peacock). Since I was living in the Rockies at the time I did go have a cow-hide leather cover made for it, not because I didn't like the green, but just because... And it was so cool, with tassles, sort of "hippie-ish." It was a "huge" investment at the time, cost like $60 buckaroos. I still have that green Bible (copyright 1961, btw) and the hand-made leather cover... the pages are all falling out, though, and I don't use it. It's the one with all the yellow highlighting.... you know, first-timer Bible. I didn't even notice the dinos, though.

    I didn't know about "Knorr's Green" -- sounds logical -- or the fact they got a cheap deal on some green cardboard ... and/or there could be anothe reason for the "mystery of the green Bibles"... see further below...


    Rebinding the NWT with the Make Sure book, etc... Yeah, I remember people doing that (1980s)... I was jealous, wanted to do it, too, at the time but didn't want to spend the money. Costs big bucks to get bibles rebound (there's a bookbinder here in town who was in a newspaper article about 8-10 years ago... I called to see about getting my old bible rebound, and first he asked, "Are you a JW?" I was shocked since I was not a JW any longer, so I just said, "Used to be." He said, "JWs are the only ones who ever call to get their Bibles rebound." Just goes to show you, lol). Anyhoo, it would cost $75 big ones, he said. Can't imagine today's prices.

    (Speaking of Bibles, I just got a parallel KJV & NKJV from a great place, ALL


    FWIW, here are the Copyright dates for WT Bibles (I just happen to have a list as I made it recently for a friend who is a Bible-versions researcher):


    Green Hardback - 1961 - Revised 1970

    Black Leather - 1961; Revised 1970

    Maroon Leather w/References - 1984; Revised 1984

    Black Hardback - 1984; Revised 1984 (that doesn't make sense to have it revised in the same year-?)

    Large Print Reference Bible - Maroon Hardback - 1961 - 1981 - 1984 - Revised 1984.

    Comprehensive Concordance - Maroon Hardback - 1973


    Speaking of green, I was looking through my old posts and ran across this, LOL:

    "In Taiwan, scientists doing stem cell research have produced three fluorescent green pigs. These pigs are totally green throughout, including their hearts and internal organs. It is a kind of genetic color coding, which the scientists believe will aid them in their research. (Reuters News Service, Jan. 12, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan.)"


  • james_woods

    Thanks everybody for the trip down Green Memory Lane. First, Woz and Abbigail -


    Yes I do. When I was a pioneer, we had two black ladies who also pioneered in the little congregation where the need was great. The older one had this done - except it was the other book Wozadummy mentioned. We had a real hardass CO who gave her what-for on materialism and pride for having it. This guy was a real butthead - he also told the special pioneer congregation servants wife to shut up right in the middle of a pre-service meeting.

    I thought it was manifestly unfair because these ladies were just about our best pioneers, were very poor janitors, were driving a 1954 ford in 1970, and had spent what must have been a great amount of money because the lady wanted to have a better way to do the service.

    I was always deeply ashamed to be carrying around a Green bible. It was just so undignified - I always felt like it would look to people at the door like I didn't have a "real" bible. (didn't know how close to the facts I was) -

    As far as the legend, I am leaning to the stubborn Knorr scenario with the green stuff costing a few farthings less than something in good taste.

  • abbagail

    Remember how in one of Randy Watters' articles (or his bio, can't remember) he said the WT's "secretive" (and locked) library up at Bethel is full of occult books? Maybe there's more to their "Green" bible than meets the eye... ESPECIALLY because it was their FIRST very own WT-NW Translation-in-Full... (if I remember correctly)...


    Someone mentioned the Revelation scripture about Emerald Green... true, and green has been said to be the Devil's fav color since he is a copy-cat of everything God does. See this "AECLECTIC TAROT FORUM" where the Devil's color of Green is being discussed: . A few quick quotes from that forum thread:

    The Devil is a green figure on a black background – the colouring is to me, another ‘Wake up” card.

    The Devil here is green. Green is a demonic color and it was Lucifer's color in particular. What is demonic and human-less is green, like demons and aliens.

    This whole scene is radiating an UNNATURAL GREEN AURA, except the chains and the two skeletons. ... Thus as the energy is consumed the ABERRANT GREEN AURA arises. The WICKED GREEN GLOW attracts the curious, just like a neon sign in the night. The skeletons represent what’s left of those who became ensnared in what the devil had to offer. They have not been integrated into the whole scene, as the green aura does not include them, so hope is not lost. If they only could find some way to get outside that circle………


    From a report re: "THE [Green] TEMPLE APRON" (re: Satanic Rites):

    It is the badge of rank for the third degree; and represents (when green) the priestly office of Lucifer. It is the magickal "tool" of that degree.

    ...the green apron is the emblem of Lucifer’s authority. In every Satanic group I knew of, the hierophant (high priest) always wore a green apron, usually of the finest silk or satin.

    Why green? I know that most people’s ideas of Satanic rites (which comes from garish movies) are that everyone wears black or red (or nothing). This is only partially true. The lower levels wear black, the magi wear scarlet, and the magisters wear white, as was mentioned earlier. But green is Lucifer’s color! No one would dare wear it except his "legal" representative: the presiding hierophant.

    Green is his color because it relates qabalistically to Venus. Venus, the "Morning Star," is sacred to him. Alchemically, Lucifer is related to copper. This metal is corrupt within and beautiful without, just like him; and it turns green when it tarnishes.

    This concept is more common than most people imagine. It goes very deep in superstitions. For example, people of my heritage (Irish) are very careful never to wear green in any theatrical performance. This is because it is the color of leprechauns (Satan’s little servants) and they fear they will be cursed by them if they wear "his" color.

    Rare Satanic documents are available in which the rubrics insist upon the celebrant of Satanic masses wearing a green apron.


    Here's more about Lucifer's fav color Green:

    "What is the occult meaning of the color Green? Satan's favorite color is Green, probably taken from his Biblical association as a Serpent. Occultists typify Green by the use of copper, which is Satan's favorite metal because it is bright and shiny on the surface, while soft and corruptible inside. When subjected to the outside elements, it turns green; therefore, copper has been the favorite metal of occultists the world over, because it is the favorite color of their god, Lucifer."


    Green is also prominent in the HARRY POTTER witchcraft books, FWIW:


    And speaking of GREEN AURAS:

    Remember in September 2005 when the Iranian president, Ahmadinejad, spoke at the UN? He himself reported that there was a "green aura" all around him and the spectators were "mesmerized" by it. I kid you not. Here's the title and link to the full article:


    And here's a few snips about his "green aura":

    In a videotaped meeting with Ayatollah Javadi-Amoli in Tehran, Ahmadinejad
    discussed candidly a strange, paranormal experience he had while addressing
    the United Nations in New York last September.

    He recounts how he found himself bathed in light throughout the speech. But
    this wasn't the light directed at the podium by the U.N. and television
    cameras. It was, he said, a light from heaven.

    According to a transcript of his comments, obtained and translated by Joseph
    Farah's G2 Bulletin, Ahmadinejad wasn't the only one who noticed the
    unearthly light. One of his aides brought it to his attention.

    The Iranian president recalled being told about it by one of his delegation:
    "When you began with the words 'in the name of Allah,' I saw a light coming,
    surrounding you and protecting you to the end."

    Ahmadinejad agreed that he sensed the same thing.

    "On the last day when I was speaking, one of our group told me that when I
    started to say 'Bismillah Muhammad,' he saw a green light come from around
    me, and I was placed inside this aura," he says. "I felt it myself. I felt that
    the atmosphere suddenly changed, and for those 27 or 28 minutes, all the
    leaders of the world did not blink. When I say they didn't move an eyelid,
    I'm not exaggerating. They were looking as if a hand was holding them there, and
    had just opened their eyes. Alhamdulillah!"

    Ahmadinejad's "vision" at the U.N. is strangely reminiscent and alarmingly
    similar to statements he has made about his personal role in ushering in the
    return of the Shiite Muslim messiah.

    He sees his main mission, as he recounted in a Nov. 16 speech in Tehran, as
    to "pave the path for the glorious reappearance of Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten
    his reappearance."

    I also posted the full article here back in January 2006:


    And a neat looking "S"-shaped GREEN "AURORA":

    That may have been a "natural" occurrence, but there are UNNATURAL ones being developed, too:

    This snippet from Alex Jones:

    Comment: More sophisticated varieties of this technology have been perfected under black budget programs and will be used in the future to stage fake 'UFO' events to hoodwink people into believing in an alien invasion. This sounds off the wall but it's fully documented in "Order Out of Chaos":

    Here's a report from LiveScience re: the fake Sky Shows:

    By Robert Roy Britt
    LiveScience Senior Writer
    posted: 02 February 2005
    02:12 pm ET

    By shooting intense radio beams into the night sky, researchers created a modest neon light show visible from the ground. The process is not well understood, but scientists speculate it could one day be employed to light a city or generate celestial advertisements.

    Researchers with the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) project in Alaska tickled the upper atmosphere to the extent that it glowed with GREEN speckles.
    If no pre-existing aurora is required, Ziemelis said, "we are left with the tantalizing (some would say disconcerting) possibility that such radio-fuelled emissions could form the basis of a technology for urban lighting, celestial advertising, AND MORE."

    (Use your NWO-imagination for the "and more" part.)


    As a side note:

    More about HAARP and what dastardly things it will be used for can be found by doing a search for these topics:

    "The HAARP Angels Don't Play" (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program jointly managed by US Air Force & US Navy, Gakona, Alaska)

    HAARP - "Weapons of the New World Order" by Dr. Nick Begich

    "HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy" - book by HAARP expert, Jerry Smith.


    Remember when all those "mysterious GREEN BEAMS" were being shined into the cockpits of airplanes all around the country? Most of these (below) stories are dated on or around Jan. 12, 2005, which was also when the "new" SANHEDRIN in Israel met for the first time since the fourth century...

    Laser beams targeted at Hawaii-bound flights
    KESQ, CA - Jan 14, 2005
    HONOLULU - GREEN laser beams have been pointed at airplanes headed into Honolulu International Airport at least three times over the past two weeks. ...

    US cracks down on laser beams, MS - Jan 13, 2005

    Pilots told to promptly report laser beams, OR - Jan 12, 2005

    US Looks to Deflect Laser Beams
    580 CFRA Radio, Canada - Jan 12, 2005
    US officials are responding to a rash of laser beams aimed at airplanes...

    FAA asking pilots to report laser beams
    Honolulu Advertiser, HI - Jan 15, 2005

    Military testing lasers to warn stray aircraft
    Newsday, NY - Jan 20, 2005

    FBI Investigrates Lasers Aimed at Airplanes
    Elites TV, TX - Jan 12, 2005

    Aiming laser at vehicle could become a felony
    St. Petersburg Times, FL - Jan 21, 2005

    ABC News Man Charged Under Patriot Act for Laser
    ABC News - Jan 4, 2005

    ..."Similar incidents have been reported in Colorado Springs, Colo., Cleveland, Washington, Houston and Medford, Ore., raising fears that the light beams could temporarily blind cockpit crews and lead to accidents."

    ..."The F-A-A says more than 30 laser incidents have been reported across the nation since New Year's Eve..." [2005]

    At the time the news said federal officials were trying to find out WHO was doing it. Later on they seemed to downplay it (since, they said, it was NOT being done by those spooky terrorists, but by 'pranksters.') Hmmm, I thought to myself, all the sudden 'pranksters' are popping up all over the country at the SAME TIME shining lasers into airplanes?


    The point of all this is:

    Luciferians (Masons and other secret society members -- and evidently Lucifer himself) Love the Color GREEN. So you can expect to see it used in the outworking of their NWO Plans, and, hey, maybe the WT's Green Bible was a big "signal" that they AND THEIR BIBLE are part of the plan. Wouldn't surprise me in the least bit... (especially because the WT Bible has been called an "antichrist" Bible since it purposefully misleads people away from understanding the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. And their Green Bible, if I'm not mistaken, was the first FULL all-in-one-NWT in 1961 after the NWT was published in segments prior to that. Anybody know for sure?)


    As for the Lord Jesus and the color green, see this neat article about the "Precious Stones of the Bible": . It says, though not very clearly, that Jesus is associated with emerald and jasper -- GREEN stones. The article said, in part:

    "...note first that the emerald is the only stone that occupies the same position in both law and grace: i.e., the fourth position. Let's note that the number four speaks to the earth. ... Christ Jesus (Who liked to be known as the Son of Man, thereby identifying Himself with His Creation) we saw this love and compassion personified and demonstrated to its zenith when he walked among the people and healed the sick and afflicted."

    END OF The "GREEN" REPORT! ;-)


  • betterdaze

    Nathan Natas, JARACZIC PARK?

    That's precious! LOL You've gotta be of a certain "generation" to get the humor.

    I wonder how the tote bag would go over at a District Assembly...


  • abbagail

    At Randy Watter's site, he has a list of ALL publications ever published by, or sold by the Watchtower. I wanted to confirm whether my memory was correct or not, that the "NEW WORLD" Translation was the FIRST FULL BIBLE they ever published in a GREEN color. And I was correct. They began publishing it in SEGMENTS with green covers in 1950 (Greek or NT scriptures, then later several segmented volumes of the Hebrew or OT scriptures), but it wasn't until 1961 that the ENTIRE THING came out in ONE full Bible, and it, too, was GREEN.

    Here is the BIBLES section at Randy's website, but I'm only including the sections about the GREEN NWT:



    * 1950 New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures 800 pages, sold in green hardcover and green DeLuxe Leather editions [bi7]

    * 1951 New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures 800 pages, Revised May 1, 1951, sold in green hardcover and green DeLuxe Leather editions [bi7]

    * 1953 New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures Volume 1 864 pages, sold in green hardcover and green DeLuxe Leather editions [bi4]

    * 1955 New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures Volume 2 720 pages, sold in green hardcover and green DeLuxe Leather editions [bi5]

    * 1957 New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures Volume 3 512 pages, sold in green hardcover and green DeLuxe Leather editions [bi-ps]

    * 1958 New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures Volume 4 414 pages, sold in green hardcover and green DeLuxe Leather editions [bi-isa]

    * 1958 New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures Vol. 1 864 pages, Revised May 1, 1951, printed in 1958. Special Yankee Stadium Issue, green hardcover with "Jehovah's Witnesses 1958 International Convention Yankee Stadium and Polo Grounds" imprinted in gold on the front cover. [bi7]

    * 1960 New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures Volume 5 480 pages, sold in green hardcover and green DeLuxe Leather editions [bi6]

    * 1961 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures Revised edition, the first complete Bible produced by the WTBTS. Sold in green hardcover and brown leatherette pocket-sized editions [bi12-61]


  • heathen

    I'm guessing since the dino was still in the bible that at the time they believed dinos were around when adam and eve were in the garden? I do seem to always remember them saying that is not so but then why put the dino in the cover?

    LOL at natas for the pic .Yep that be him alrighty.

  • Junction-Guy

    I work in a jail, and it's a well known fact that the inmates will use bible paper to make homemade cigarettes, they say bible paper works best. Im wondering if the WT didnt buy their paper from a cigarette company.

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    Regarding the alleged cigarette - green bible connection: The only story I know that involves the use of green specifically in the production of cigarettes is that of Lucky Strikes. Urban legend has it that Lucky Strike changed from a green pack to a white pack in the 40's to aid the war effort (green being in high demand by the military for uniforms, paint on vehicles, etc). According to sources I've read on the web though, this was just an advertising gimmick by Lucky Strike that caught on and became accepted as fact, while not actually being true.

    While it seems unlikely that in 1961, roughly 20 years after the fact, the WTS could have somehow gotten ahold of some surplus green paper or ink cheaply from the WWII era, I suppose it is possible. I remember reading on this board that the WTS has been exposed as owning stock in the tobacco industry despite their anti-smoking policy, so I did a little digging to see who currently owns Lucky Strike for a possible connection. According to Google business directory, BAT (British American Tobacco) currently owns the Lucky Strike Brand. I then searched for WTS-tobacco links on Google, and got few results (most of which came from here and other anti-cult sites, apparently the rest of the world could care less who owns what). Anyway, the company that the WTS was involved with (still is?) was Phillip Morris, which as near as I can tell, never owned or produced Lucky Strike cigarettes. So the connection is tenuous at best, I only wrote this as a bit of interesting information.

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