James Rayford ! One of the BORGS finest. A true company man. He lost his humanity a long time ago. You can see the attempt to smile at the camera. Someone needs to give him the BLUE PILL. I am all out.
World Debut! The infamous Mat 24:14 Speaker - Take a LOOK!
by What-A-Coincidence 53 Replies latest jw friends
He looks scared to death or fake.
he doesn't look so sure about himself...
He looks like he has a stiffy, and is trying to hide it. Or else he just went for a pee and those light colored suits do show exactly where all the drips went. He should start wearing adult diapers, or get Peenie Pads.
Maybe giving that talk was so exciting he dumped his load.
The voice matches the face, thats forsure. Now imagine sitting at the assembly not only hearing him, but having to look at him too?
In the world of body language analysis, covering one's mouth somewhat means you're afraid of something you might say. Shielding your eyes--even a bit--means you're afraid of what you might see. And placing your hands near your ears means you're afraid of something you might hear.
So, looking at this photo, what's this man afraid of?
Apparently he likes his harlots "nnnAked", from the way he read that passage at Revelation 17:15-17.
He looks braindead, as if the drool is ready to run down his chin. Very nice dub pic
This is his 15 minutes of fame!!!
Still further, why the clenched jaw and gritting teeth? I'd say this man is very sexually repressed, and something's about to blow out of his a** at any moment.