....not like they ''forgot'' '75.
I was laying in bed last night mulling over this whole preaching work is done thing, and armageddon is near. So obviously in 5-10 years when the earth is STILL here and 'Hova STILL hasn't come in all his glory...they're going to deny ever having said anything to that effect.
So I thought, ''How do we make them remember?'' Then I realized...the media! Tell every newspaper, tv stations, radio station...anyone that will listen, that another cult is proclaiming the end is here and this isn't the first time they've done so. Give them the audio transcripts, circulating emails, '75 ''doomsday'' articles...anything. That way the ''world will be watching them''...only for real this time.
Is this possible? Or too far fetched? I like thinking it's possible.
~luv, jojo