Don't let them forget this time...

by kittyeatzjdubs 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    ....not like they ''forgot'' '75.

    I was laying in bed last night mulling over this whole preaching work is done thing, and armageddon is near. So obviously in 5-10 years when the earth is STILL here and 'Hova STILL hasn't come in all his glory...they're going to deny ever having said anything to that effect.

    So I thought, ''How do we make them remember?'' Then I realized...the media! Tell every newspaper, tv stations, radio station...anyone that will listen, that another cult is proclaiming the end is here and this isn't the first time they've done so. Give them the audio transcripts, circulating emails, '75 ''doomsday'' articles...anything. That way the ''world will be watching them''...only for real this time.

    Is this possible? Or too far fetched? I like thinking it's possible.

    ~luv, jojo

  • ButtLight

    This whole thing actually has been on my mind too! Thats a pretty big statement to make, and too many people heard it! (then of course my head goes back to the good old days, what if the big A is really close?)

    I talked to a few people yesterday that said they still believe in the bible, and that it is going to come Some day. Not sure what I think!

    As far as the media goes, I think they got around it by not giving a date. Most people have no clue what they mean by the preaching work being done, and what follows. (of course you could always put a bug in their ear)

  • GetBusyLiving

    I think this is an awesome idea if they put something down in print. I doubt they will though.


  • kittyeatzjdubs
    I think this is an awesome idea if they put something down in print. I doubt they will though.

    They really don't need to. Think of all the dubs who are going into a frenzy over this email that's been circulating and the talk at the ''special day'' assemblies about the preaching work being finished.

    I'd bet you money that if we took this to headquarters and the media confronted them about it, they'd yell, ''We never said 'nuthin! We're not promisin' nuthin'!'' Because they sure as hell aren't going to promise in front of the entire world that the end is ''right around the corner''. I think they learned their lesson on that back in '75.

    So then imagine that you're a faithful dub, excited that the end really is right around the corner, ''cuz the FDS said so''....and then you see them denying it right on tv, the radio, and the papers. Can you imagine? There would be some confused angry dubs.

    ~luv, jojo

  • misanthropic

    It wont matter they'll just have another excuse for why the end didn't come- blame someone else, and then there will always still be the ones who join up anyway knowing this.

  • megsmomma

    I think that it is a great idea. Like if a bunch of us went on a talk show with the recordings. Has anyone ever concidered trying to contact a talk show? I am going to start a thread on this topic and see whet we can come up with.

  • Gopher

    I don't know if the world cares that much.

    Think of the world as a horse, and the Watchtower Society and JW's as a couple of flies that try to land on the horse's rear. One swish of the tail, the flies are gone, and the horse doesn't care any longer. (Of course, these flies are known to make 'return visits', requiring additional tail swishes.)

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Great Idea!

    It would be interesting to JWs if they were the only ones spewing this, but they are a tiny voice in this toxic soup.

    the list of those preaching doom & gloom - get your affairs in order is what's scary. Look at the millions who follow these kooks, buy all their books, leave their rapture letters online, poor money into the jewish movement, support the wars, ........etc.
    See a great article in the Plain Truth mag. July/Aug 2006, or google dispensationalism or John Nelson Darby

    SO, what IS HILARIOUS is that the JWs, think they are the only ones doing this!!! hahahahahaha Even when they accidently get a glimpse of VAN IMPE and his lovely wife, they still think that they are the only ones, because they use the name Jehovah! don't teach the standard trinity, or some other goofy exclusivity.

    Exposing the JWs in amongst all the other literal or spiritual spouting dispensationalists would be a real eye opener for them.

    of course, its more sad than funny.


  • Blueblades

    They already put it in print in the 1980's Awake. The Apostle Paul was spearheading a work that would be finished by the end of the twentieth century. We are now seven years into the twenty first century. However, they removed the wording 20th century in the CD and the Bound volume. So, this not the first time that they changed what that printed as the Gospel Truth.


  • truthsetsonefree

    Actually with the Internet this can really backfire. I know many dubs who swear that 1975 was never associated with any predictions. They swear that their elders and COs never talked it up. But now with email everyone is hearing about this. And I know that I for one am saving the emails. It will be much harder to make the claim that "it never happened."


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